Meeting Slughorn

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Harry's P.O.V

Reporters from the Daily Prophet were taking pictures of me and Lily. Lily was being escorted away by the ministry, and she was trying to fight them so she could run with me. I mouthed the words I love you to her, and she stopped struggling and walked away with them. I saw her eyes water, and a tear fell from her face. It hurt me to see her walk away, but I knew she had to. Dumbledore took me somewhere separately and we apparated. We now we're outside of a nice house, and I asked "what are we doing here?" Dumbledore calmly said "I want you to meet someone." I was curious, but I still followed him. We then met a man named Horace Slughorn, and Dumbledore wanted him to be a professor at Hogwarts. He wanted me to convince him to come to Hogwarts. We finally convinced him after a while, and now Dumbledore apparated us to the Burrow. Finally, I was going to see Lily again. Dumbledore told me that my stuff was already there. Dumbledore then said goodbye to me, and I went inside. I heard Lily go down the stairs, and when she got downstairs, we made eye contact. Her eyes were glossy, and her nose was puffed up. When she saw me, more of her tears fell, and she ran to me. I opened my arms, ready to hug her. She hugged me tight, and whispered "I thought I wasn't going to see you until we went back to Hogwarts." I hugged her, and then I said hi to everyone else. When I said hi to everyone, Lily came back to me and I comforted her. I said "sshhh, I'm here. I won't let anything hurt you." She nodded, but kept hugging me. Hermione put on slow songs, and I began to sway with Lily. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I held her tight. After two songs, we pulled away, and Lily said "you'll stay with me this time." I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back and smiled.

Lily's P.O.V

I've been crying because Harry's not here. Hermione had tried to comfort me, but it's just not the same without Harry. I looked downstairs, anD I saw Harry's things. I ran back upstairs and said "I think Harry's here!" I then heard the door open. I ran down the stairs, and my tears began to fall. Harry's back! I ran at him and hugged him. I'm so happy now, I feel like I'm not missing anything else. I wanted him to stay in my room with me, so I told him he was staying with me, when he really was staying with Ron. Ron said "he's staying with me Lily." I told Harry "ok maybe I lied." He chuckled and kissed my cheek. After a bit, Harry pulled me to Ron's room, and I was giggling. Harry closed the door and put his hands on my waist. I giggled again, and put my hands in Harry's shoulders. Harry said "we're alone right now." I smiled and then leaned in. We kissed, and after a few seconds, Harry picked me up bridal style while he still kissed. He laid me down on his bed, and pulled away. I made a sad face, and sat up. I said "that's not enough," and looked sad. Harry smiled and sat down next to me. He said "oh I wasn't done." I smiled and he load me down again. He laid on top of me, and we leaned in. We kissed for a few minutes, until Ron walked in on us, and screamed "bloody hell!" Harry got off, and I was all giggly. Through giggles, I said "relax Ron." Ron looked mad, and Harry said "I'm sorry to say this, but get used to this mate." Ron made me leave, and asked Harry if he could talk to him.

Harry's P.O.V

Ron walked in on me and Lily kissing, and made her leave. He wants to talk to me, and he doesn't look happy. He started with "you've just got here, and you're already laying your fingers on my sister?" I said "well, yeah. She's my girlfriend and I haven't seen her in a while. If you dated Hermione you would feel what I feel." Ron turned red and said "you haven't told anyone have you?" I shook my head, and Ron said "I don't k ow what to do about it." Ron sat down on his bed, and I joined him. "Well, I'm no live expert, but-" Ron cut me off and said "of course you are! You have the best relationship with Lily that I've ever seen between any couple." I smiled and said "thanks, but anyway. Maybe you should try giving hints to her." Ron nodded his head and said "alright, I guess because you helped me I'll get off of your back with Lily." I nodded and said "I know it bothers you to see her kiss me, but if she can't help it, no one can stop her." Ron nodded, and we bro hugged. We went downstairs, and Lily was asleep on the couch. I leaned in and kissed her forehead. A smile instantly appeared on her face. I asked Mrs. Weasley for a blanket quietly, and she gave me one. I thanked her and put the blanket on top of Lily. I tucked her in, and then kissed her forehead again. I walked back upstairs, and got settled in.

Lily's P.O.V

I fell asleep on the couch, and I felt someone kiss my forehead. It was Harry. He then put a blanket on top of me and tucked me in. He the kissed my forehead again, and I heard him walk upstairs. When he went up, I opened my eyes and stretched. Harry came down and said "hey my love." I smiled and closed my eyes while I stretched. I said "I got tired so I fell asleep." Harry nodded and I made room for him on the couch. He let me lay my head down on his lap, and he began to run his fingers through my hair. He quietly hummed to help me fall asleep, and I closed my eyes. I fell asleep within 2 minutes, and he still ran his fingers through my hair.

Harry's P.O.V

I heard Mrs. Weasley tell Mr. Weasley quietly "Harry takes such good care of her." Mr. Weasley said "Harry's perfect for Lily. He protects her, he cares about her, and he treats her right." Mrs. Weasley said "I wouldn't be surprised if they got married in the future." I thought about what she said. I'd never thought about that, but I knew I wanted to marry her. Obviously not yet. Mrs. Weasley asked me to carry her to her room for bed, so I picked her up and brought her to her room. Hermione opened the door, and let me in with a smile. I laid Lily down in her bed and tucked her in. I kissed her forehead, and pushed her hair out of her face. I said goodnight to Hermione and went to bed. We'll be going to Hogwarts soon, and I wonder what it will be like.

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