Chapter 3.

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Recap: "Look Lucas, daddy taught me this!"Veronica says, she grabs something from Perrie' s purse and drinks it.

"It's energy juice, take some!"Veronica giggles and starts jumping around, Lucas agrees and takes a sip and plays along.

The kids were playing in Lucas' s room, well except for Kate. She was downstairs with us since she didn't feel like playing or having to deal with Lucas teasing her. There was a knock at the door, Danielle answered it.

"Hey guys!"Danielle greeted the people, I couldn't really see who they were from the angle I was at.

"Hi Danielle!"Tara greets Danielle with her hug, Harry was holding his daughter's hands. I couldn't help but notice Louis and Eleanor whispering something to each other, not regular whispering. They were whispering angrily, maybe they're fighting. But that's none of my business.

"Hi Darcy, Hi Ashley!"Kate says jumping off my lap and racing to to the 2 brown curly haired girls, I stand up to greet Tara and Harry, and there kids. Danielle was about to close the door until something stopped her, it was a foot.

"Don't close the door on us!"a Irish accent chuckles from behind the door, Danielle opens it and of course it's Niall, Abby, and Adrian.

"Haha, sorry!"Danielle giggles and hugs each Horan. Zayn and Perrie went to hug Harry and his family and Niall and his family except 'Elounor.' they continued whisper-fighting. Just then the kids came running down the stairs out of breath.

" we...go outside?"Lucas asks panting, I look at Zayn and Perrie for their answer. They nod.

"Sure grab your coats and STAY in the backyard."I demand, Lucas grins and goes upstairs with Veronica, James and Anthony.

"I wanna go outside, too!"Kate whines tugging on my hand, she does her puppy face which is the only thing I can't resist.

"Fine, but don't take off your coat. If Lucas tells me you did, your in big trouble!"I say.

**Danielle' s pov**

I watch carefully from behind the kitchen window as the kids play in the leaves, Kate, Darcy and Ashley were sitting on chairs playing tea? Since our backyard has the woods or forest whatever you want to call it, behind it, I saw something move. Maybe deer or a rabbit..good thing we have a fence to block the entrance of the woods, though it didn't seem right.

"Hey, what's the matter?"Liam asks as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"It doesn't seem right in the woods.."I whisper.

"I'll go check on them."Liam says, he grabs his coat from the living room and comes back and goes outside.

**Liam' s pov**

I go outside, all the kids were playing. I look at Dani and she points to the woods, I roll my eyes and open the gate that leads to the woods.

"Where are you going daddy?"Lucas asks, quick think something!

"I'm..just getting more wood for the winter, you know for the fire wood."I quickly say, Lucas and Anthony drop their sticks and race to me.

"I wanna help!"Lucas and Anthony chants, I look at Dani to see what she'll say. She shakes her head.

"Well you see, wood has bugs inside and their really heavy."I say, Lucas and Anthony frown.

"But..."Lucas starts, I didn't really like letting kids down.

"Okay, I guess,"I say,"But stay close to me."I demand Lucas and Anthony high-5 each other.


"There's nothing there, maybe it was just an animal."I say taking my coat off.

**End of Chapter 3**

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