Chapter 23.

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"Where's Mommy?" Lucas asked propping his elbows on the coffee table and resting his head on his hands and looking at me. Kate copied his actions and asked the same.

"Isn't it time for your baths? Yeah it is." I stall picking each of them up but carefully.

"Alright, Luke, you go do nighttime reading whilst I give Kate a bath then when it's your turn I'll give you a bath and tuck Kate in bed. Sound like a plan?" I say setting Like down onto his feet. He nodded in agreement and went upstairs.

"As for you stinky pants," I chuckle. I dodge Dallas as he follows Lucas up but that made Kate want to go up also.

"Dallas! Dallas." Kate squealed squirming in my arms wanting to be realised.

"We can go play with Dallas later after you take a bath."


I sat at the edge of bed holding my phone and had my thumb over the caller button for Danielle. Kate moved in her sleep behind me. Hesitating for a bit, I pressed the call and already had Dani on the line.

After the third ring, she answered. "Hello?"

"Dani, please come home." I said in low voice. There was shuffling in the background and then a sigh.

"Liam, I'll come back when I want to. I've had enough of you."

I gulped down processes what she just said.

"B-but, your kids. Danielle I'm sorry and all but you're being selfish. They need to see their mom some point, they already miss you."

I was to focus on my conversation with Dani that I didn't notice Kate get up. "Daddy, is Mommy in the phone again? I want to talk, too." Kate murmured crawling on my lap and reaching for the phone.

"Is that Kate? What is she doing up this late, Liam?" Dani asked.

"She was asleep. She wants to talk to you." I muttered handing the phone to Kate.

"Mommy? Mommy coming home? Lulu miss you, me too." Kate said getting off my lap.

"Dallas miss Mommy."

There was a long silence. "Daddy said he cook pancakes with blueboobies and stawbabies."

I held in my laughter by biting on my lip. "Yeah, blueboobies and stawbabies."

"No, not blueberries and strawberries." Kate stood her ground.

"I love me too, Mommy. But I love you and Daddy more." Kate gave the phone a kiss and gave it to me.

"Hello? Dani are you still on?"

"Liam, did you teach her those words?"

"No, no I didn't. Anyways, you heard it yourself; she misses you. I'll pick you up, just tel-"

"Liam, I'll come home when I want to. I miss the kids too, but.."

"But what Dani? These are your kids! You better be home by the morning or I'll send in the divorce papers." I growled.

"Are you-"

I hung up.

"Daddy, what's dilorce papers?" Kate asked.

"Nothing baby girl, just go back to sleep." I assured her setting my phone on the nightstand.

"Cuddle, Daddy." Kate grinned. I chuckle and get under the covers.

"Who taught you those words, Kate?" I asked.


"Blueboobies and strawbabies."

"Lulu said that's what big kids say." Kate smiled.


"Is Mommy coming home? Kate said she is! I saved her pancakes!" Lucas grinned.

"I don't know, maybe." I shrugged.

"And talking about pancakes; did you teach Kate blueboobies and stawbabies? Truth." I sternly asked kneeling down to his height.

Lucas looked at his shoes and twisted his fingers.

"No," Lucas whispered.

"Lucas James Payne, look me in the eye and tell me the truth."

Lucas gulped and slowly looked at me, his eyes looking at mine. "I didn't mean to. I swear Daddy. I heard Steven and Tyler say it, and they said that's what big kids call them. So I told Kate cos' she always says that she's a big kid. But she's not Daddy, I am! I was born first!" Lucas admitted.

"It's good that you admitted it, Lucas. But you're still having to sit on the timeout chair." I said standing up. He huffed and walked away.

I followed and made sure he was listening, he sat on the chair that was facing the wall so his back was towards me. He grumbled some stuff and rested his elbows on his thighs and sighed.

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