Chapter 24.

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"And up the hoop and down the river through the Lion Man and jump," Kate said whilst putting bows and hair clips in my hair. I don't really get what she's saying but it doesn't matter right now.

"Ow, babe that hurts!" I yanked out a hair clip and set it down.


"A car pulled up! It's mommy I think!" Lucas squealed jumping up and down and running towards us. Kate quickly got off my shoulders and jumped off the couch.

I followed them to the window and peeked out, the door opened but it wasn't Dani. It was... my mum? "Gram! Gram!" Kate giggled rushing to the door and struggling to unlock the door.

"Wait, I'll be right over." I scoffed unlocking the door and opening it. Kate and Luke immediately ran to my mum attacking her with hugs.

"I didn't expect you here, in the nicest way possible." I dug my hands in my pockets and smiled.

"Liam, we need to talk privately. It's about your father," Mum frowned bending down and picking up Kate.

"Gramp? Where Gramp?" Kate asks kissing her on the cheek.

"Luke, take your little sister to your room, yeah. Gram and I need to talk." I say whilst my mum puts Kate down and gives them both a kiss on the cheek.

"Why? I want to stay." Luke pouts grabbing Kate's hand.

"Lucas James Payne, do not make me repeat myself." I sternly say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Daddy said middle name." Kate's eyes widened as she quickly pulled his arm to make him move.

"Alright, alright." Luke murmured walking past me.

"So what about Dad?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Liam, you know how your dad has been going in- and- out of the hospital?"

"Yeah, trouble breathing."

"They finally found something in his lung, t-they thought it was cancer, but it's not. He's staying there for a few days," Mum folded her hands and did her best not to cry. My throat went dry and no words came out.

"Well, um, he wants to see the kids and all. So, do me a favor and take the kids over when you can." Mum nodded slowly getting in the car.

"Y-yeah. I'll take them over tomorrow." I bit my lip and turned around facing the house. Terrible. First Dani gone, now my dad? What's next, something happening to my ki- no! Not going to jinx it. My kids mean everything to me, not going to jinx it.


"Spaghetti and bread. Eat up, I'll be in the next room. No fighting or you guys will be sent to your room and bed early." I said adjusting Kate in her seat and giving her the 'special' fork. It's actually just her Princess Sofia fork.

I walked out the dining room which then goes to the living room. I plopped onto the couch and slid out my phone. Four calls that have been sent to Dani's voicemail. Possibly five now. I waited for her to answer and on the fourth ring, she answered. Yes!

"I'm coming home, Li. I'm sorry. I miss the kids and I miss you. I miss my babies so much. I never wanted to be gone for this long, I don't want you to be mad. I get if you want a divorce, but please don't take the kids away from me." Dani apologized. It sounded as if she's been crying for hours.

"I don't want a divorce. I want you home, too. But do you realize what hell you put the kids through? Dani, the kids have been asking nonstop for you; Luke cried last night. Kate wouldn't sleep."

"I know... I got selfish. I just want to see you guys so bad."

I stayed silent for a minute. "Be home before ten or I'll send divorce papers."

"I will, I promise. I promise." Dani said sniffling. I hung up and set my phone aside. I wasn't kidding, I will send the papers and keep custody of my children.

I pinched the ridge of my nose and threw my head back in frustration. I want to sleep but at the same time I can't since I want to be awake when Danielle gets here, that and the kids are very sneaky. "Daddy, more juice. Please!" I heard her hitting the plastic cup against the table.

"I can serve it, Daddy!" Luke announced, I heard the wood screech against the tiles as Luke got out of his chair.

"No, I got it!" I rushed into the kitchen and already saw Luke holding the half filled pitcher of Kool- Aid and his arms were shaking.

"I got it," Luke knitted his eyebrows together and poked his tongue out focusing on the princess cup that Kate was holding. "Almost- there!"

"Can you clean your mess now?"

"Mhm, cos' I'm good. I'm strong and I'm growing up like you Daddy." Luke grinned standing on his tip- toes to reach the paper towels.

"That's great." I ruffled his hair and smiled. I looked at my watch: seven- forty- five. I wonder where she is; how far she is.

"Dallas, get away." Kate scolded pushing away Dallas as he sniffed underneath the table.


"Night, Luke." I kissed his forehead and tucked him in.

"Are you and mommy mad at each other, is that why she's not here? Or is it because she doesn't love us anymore?" Luke whispered sounding hurt.

"No, no, no. Don't think that, Luke. She loves you, I love you. We love you and your sister, okay. Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow." I assured him. He nodded and faced away from me.

"Night." he murmured.

I walked out his room and went into Kate's room. She was already asleep, thankfully. I kissed her forehead and turned off the lights. I picked up her stuffed lion, Daniel, and placed it next her. I quietly closed the door behind me and sneaked my way back to the living room. It's eight- fifteen.

I sat on the couch eating spaghetti since I didn't eat earlier and just have some telly dinner.


Nine- fourteen. She must've gone far away to be coming home this late.

There was a soft knock at the door. I quickly stood up and walked over to it, I looked in the peephole and saw her. My wife. I unlocked the door and opened it. "I'm so sorry." Dani apologized hugging me tightly.

"Are you hungry? The kids are asleep so, yeah."

"No, on the way I stopped at some diner. I'm going to go see them." Dani dropped her bags by the stairs and started walking up. I followed her, first we stopped by Luke's since it's closer.

"My baby, I missed you so much." Dani whispered bending down and giving him a big kiss on the cheek. She moved his hair away and smiled. She stood up and walked past me and into Kate's room, across the hall.

"My little angel. I'm sorry," Dani said in a hushed voice doing the same to Kate. A big kiss on the cheek.

"I missed you, too, you know." I murmured bringing her into our room and sitting on the bed. "I didn't mean anything when we fought, I just got beyond pissed."

"Me too, I just have been so stressed and I used you as the punching bag. I'm happy I married you." Dani smiled leaning in and kissing the corner of my mouth. I eased back a little so I was resting on my elbows whilst Dani was climbing over.

"I love you, and I'm going to prove it." I mumbled as I detached my lips and placed them on her neck. "But you're going to have to be quiet. Got it?"

"Mhm." Dani nodded fumbling with the buttons on my shirt urging to undo them. "It's been awhile since we've done this."

Long time no see my friends. >. < I'm sorry long updates, hopefully next one won't take long also. I'm finishing this at like 5:17 in teh morning, so excuse some mistakes! :D You guys are fricking awesome!

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