Thank God It's Friday

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I sigh in relief as the final bell rings. I sigh again in despair as I look at today's homework. Oh, well, at least I've got a whole weekend to do it. So, I'll likely ignore it til Sunday. I've got a life to live, you know? Odds are I'll just end up sleeping it away, but that's the beauty of weekends.

I walk out the door, and stroll past the line of busses, following the kids that walk or drive home. Instead of going home, though, I walk to the bus stop. When the bus pulls up, I ask for the stop at the mall. I paid the fare with some money I had on hand, and took a seat. As we neared, he pulls the brakes slowing until he reaches the stop and opening the door as the breaks hiss. I walk down, along with a few others. I walk in the main doors, straight into the food court. The smell of fast food hits me, and I realise, wow, am I hungry. Like many high schoolers, I had made the hubris filled decision to skip lunch, and now, I was starving. I walk up to the Taco Bell counter, and get myself two bean and cheese burritos; my favourite. As soon as I sit down, I sink my teeth into them. They're the lowest and junkiest of junk foods, but they're cheap and freaking delicious.

After quickly polishing off my snack, I stand up and walk down one of the halls spurring from the food court. After window shopping at some stores along the way, I walk into my store of choice; Hot Topic. The lady by the door smiles as I enter. "Hi! Good to see you again!," she says, beaming.
I politely smile back, asking about what's new. She directs me to a table boasting merchandise for a bands newest album. I paw through the objects, not really seeing anything that interests me. As I look, the worker quietly abandons me to look around on my own. I naturally go to the anime section and see a few cute wristbands. Yes, please. I grab them and slip them on for a second. The do look really good. There is a lot shirts but the ones I'd like were out of stock in my size. Wandering around some more, I peruse the jewellery, selecting a rosebud choker. It's cute but I'll probably never wear it. Still gonna buy it anyway because maybe I will. You never know. Not seeing much else in the music section that really piqued my interest, I walk to the cashier, where the lady had been patiently waiting. My total was 25.60 and I quickly paid with my allowance. To my surprise, it was a whole weeks' worth. I walk out, and check a few stores, when I hear my name, called from afar.

I jolt where I'm standing. My heartbeat is already ringing in my ears. I turn around, feeling afraid for a reason I don't quite know why. I exhale when I see who it is. It's just Mrs. Alton, the lady who ran the group home. The apprehension is been feeling immediately faded away, replaced more by the annoyed feeling you get when you've been caught breaking the rules, as I have.

"Oh, gee, did I forget to call?" I ask in a saccharine tone.

She simply scowled. "Get in the car. I've been looking for you for a half hour since your bus came."

"My bad." I chime. Even though I was acting innocent, it was obvious I was faking. I mostly did it because I knew it got under Mrs Alton's skin. "Really, though, I was gonna call, I just kinda lost track of time," I added.

"Just get in the car" she sighs.

I roll my eyes and follow her to the parking lot. I climb in the front seat as she walks around to the drivers side. I click in my seatbelt as she pulls out and on to the access road to the mall. "I'm not, like grounded or anything, am I? I mean, I am sorry, I really did forget to call. It's just a Friday, and the only rule I broke was not letting you know."

"Avis, I am legally responsible for around fourteen high-risk teenagers at all times," she said, rubbing her eyes with her thumb and forefinger. "Calling is the least I ask of you, so I know where you are. As for whether you're being punished or not, that requires some time. You'll know when you know."

"Fine," I replied.

She turned off the access road, and once we were going back home, I slouched in my seat and leaned my head on the window, and my eyelids slowly slid shut.

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