I Am Avis

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"Simon" I gasp, shooting up in my seat.

"Who is Simon?" Mrs. Alton asks.

My head clears as I think about for a moment. "A young man I used to know, a long time ago"

Mrs. Alton looks puzzled for a second "Your old life? The one you never knew much about?"

A lie, I knew some things. I kept those hidden. Simon was important. "It's not that I don't know, it's that I'd rather not talk about it."

"I see" was all she said before we descended into silence.

Shortly after the conversation, we pulled into the driveway and I hopped out and dashed inside. I clomped up the stairs to my room and grabbed a notebook, and turned to a blank page. I started to write.

"What do I know?

• I am Avis
• I am not a human
• Simon was my best friend
• mother and father loved me
• something went wrong"

"Something went wrong" I whispered. It sucked, how much of my memory I'd forced myself to forget. I had to. I was hiding.

On the notebook I added that
"• I am hiding"

"Why?" I asked myself.

I flipped to another page.

"Questions I have
• Why am I hiding?
• Am I in danger?
• What went wrong?
• Where is my real family"

I sighed. I slapped the notebook closed as Marin walks in and ruffles my black hair "What's up Buttercup?" He asks in her ever-effervescent way.

I reply with "Not much, whatta you up here for?"

Marin giggles "Not much, just to tell you dinners getting cold." She says with a smile.

"Oh" I say, jumping out of my seat. "What's on the menu?" I ask.

" Ah, pork chops and Mac and cheese" she says.

"Um, yes please." I reply.

I come downstairs and sit at my spot. I didn't eat too much, I mean, I did have burritos earlier. After dinner, I was so drained. I plugged in my headphones and fell asleep in the middle of a YouTube video.

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