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"Father makes the rules" I whispered, after flipping my eyes open. The words come out and I can't quite remember what they mean. Father let me read books, and he gave me the tablet. But, there was more to it. Much much more. The pieces are still not quite together. I'm hiding things from myself, erased them from my memory. But they're coming back. I sit up and decide I need to start the day, starting with normal routine stuff. I just grab clothes without looking and haphazardly put them on. Breakfast time is over, so I'm on my own. I grab two granola bars and chow down. I plop down on a couch in the living room and plan my day. I get on my phone and tune out the light cacophony. I decide I need to learn a thing or two about robotics and start my research to see if I come up. I start typing when suddenly Mrs. Alton comes up and snatches my phone. "Since you figured you could go out without telling anybody and gave me attitude when I came to get you, I figured you could do without some electronics for the day. You're grounded." She says.
Damn. Always a stumbling block. At least I can think on my toes.
I quickly retort with "But, but I have a report to work on! You know I have to keep my grades up. It's a privilege to be in a privately run children's home, and I reeeeeeeeallly like it here" oh, did I lay it on thick. "You don't want me to slip up, give up and become a delinquent, lost to the system." I add.
Mrs. Alton ponders for a bit but comes up with her response, "alright alright, you can go to the library, but not alone"
That's almost too good. She sees my coy smile that I let out and quickly juts in "I choose your companion."
She looks around and points to a wispy thin girl sitting alone. "Rosalie, would you please accompany Avis here to the library?"
Rosalie nods and gets up, hugging herself as she follows me out.

The library is only a block or so away from the house, so we walk. When we get there, Rosalie looks up and says "I won't bother you. I can tell you want privacy. I'll go off and read. Do what you want."
Wow. I forgot that Mrs. Alton was kind of an idiot. Oh well. I walk into the computer lab and sit in a chair in front of a shiny new Mac. There's a big sign on the monitor "PLEASE MONITOR YOUR CHILDREN'S BROWSING! THE LIBRARY COMPUTERS ARE NOT BLOCKED FOR OTHER PATRONS AND WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN"
I quickly log on and open up Safari and  go to Google. I search up robotics and decide I need to check and see about replicating humans. All I get is a bunch of creepy prototypes made of silicone. They're dead eyed and only speak in programmed responses. Not helpful in my search for me. The frustration is nearly frying me. I look up Artificial Intelligence. All I find is things about programmed AI in video games, so not true AI. I refine my search to 'true AI' and find so. Much. Science. Fiction. I look through a few of the stories, most of them touting the idea that AI is dangerous. Is it? I look it up quickly and come upon an article talking about all the dangers. Robots, having no emotions could be very dangerous if they gain more intelligence than humans. Dangerous. Gaining 'superintelligence' could let a robot do what it wants. Their power has to be limited. Limited. By this time I have a headache and shut the computer down. "The fuck does this have to do with me?" I ask out loud to myself.

I grab Rosalie and go home. I walk in just before lunchtime. I plop down to the large table and lay my head down.
"Aviiiii, what's with the funk?" I hear, almost shrill enough to make me burst a blood vessel. Marin.
"Marin.... it doesn't involve you. Just get me an Advil and leave me alone" I mumble. I sit up and there's a few kids getting ready for lunch. I decide to just make a sandwich and go to my room. Marin comes in with two Advils and a title of water. I nod to her in thanks and take the pills. I rub my temples and sigh. After a bit the headache subsides. I pull out my trig binder and do my homework, seeing as  I'm stuck in the Stone Age. I finally get it done and pull out my book for English and read a bit, until suddenly, it's dinner time. The headache is now down to a dull throb. Suddenly, in an empty room, I hear a high beep. I look around, and it beeps again and again, up until it becomes a bunch of rapid beeps and I close my eyes. It's not dark. There's a red light. A calm voice says "system overloaded. Power down immediately, then service" and I collapse.

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