Family Reunion

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Simon froze, and I finally got the chance to stand up. On shaky legs I looked over his shoulder as he whirled around. I breathed a breath in what felt like forever. "Mother" I whispered so lightly. I debated going to her in my head, because, in that moment, nobody was trustworthy. On one hand, Mother and Father wanted to get rid of me, and called me a failure, but, what if Simon was lying? He very well could have been lying. I walk to her. Slowly, and warily, like a newborn fawn, I made my way towards her.
She smiles softly, and puts one of her arms around my shoulder. "Come on," she whispers, "let's go to the car. Your father is waiting there. It's nice and warm in there. That sound okay?" She asks.
I nodded, and followed her to the car.

I lie down in the back seat and curl up. I close my eyes and try to sleep the knots in my stomach away.

"I cannot believe it. We actually found her." Father whispered.
Mother hummed in agreement. "We have to be gentle with her. We can take her home then."
"And we can continue with the work. There's a lot of programming to be re done." Father adds.
Mother cut in with "but we can't damage her free will, remember that. It's the free will that makes her the perfect android." And with that, silence fell upon the car.

A long time passed and the silence was starting to become strained and painful to be in, and I sat up. Outside were many bright lights, and we were in a nice looking part of town. Mother turned around and looked at me. 
"How about we find a place to stay?" She asks, her voice ever soothing.
I don't feel like talking so I just nod.
She whispers to Father and he pulls into one of those chain hotels.

We must have been quite a sight, looking dead tired and coming in at this odd hour, with me looking like a ghost, swaying back and forth behind the adults as they got a room for us. Suddenly, Father turns and gives me a key. "You've got your own room. It's adjoining ours." He said to me, curtly walking down the hall. I looked at my room key and slid the card into the matching slot.

I still wasn't tired, but felt like sleeping, so I curled up under the heavy hotel sheets. A soft knock came through the door separating my room from Mother and Father's room. I got up and opened the door. Mother was standing there, holding a set of pyjamas. I took them and smiled, then turned to go into the bathroom to change. I turned on the tv and watched whatever was on, and drifted off to sleep.

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