chapter 9

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holly pov:

he said he was going to help me well what if I don't want to be helped? im fine the way I am I shouldn't have to change for him! who even is he why am I even thinking about him? ffs he is fucking everything up I don't fall for boys, I cant! im not having my heart broken again it hurts to much. im not changing for beau if he does actually like me he will like me for me so I text him

"you dont need to help me, I am fine the way I am"

I have to admit im pretty pissed at beau I mean I know about the past with his dad was hard but not everyone turns out like that and being the person that I am was a choice I made I wasn't forced to do anything I made the dissision to drink and smoke and now I cant stop and I don't really want to I would just be on edge and angry all the time. then I got a text back

"yes you do, smoking and drinking is bad for you! ~BeauBear"

I was raging right now so I text back

"you don't controle me I made the choice to drink and smoke and I cant stop now so just forget it I like who I am and I don't want to change even if I have made mistakes I wouldn't take back any of them because at the end of the day beau im no good for you and I cant tell im a bad influence on you so why don't you just forget about me and go back to your good two shoe mates!"

and its true I am a bad person, I wish my mom and dad was here oh yeah I forgot to say I don't have a mom and dad because they didn't want me anymore so now I live with my aunty and uncle. they don't know about the drinking or smoking because I love them aot and I don't want them thinking less of me.

beau pov:

I cant belive what holly has just texted me. maybe I was being abit controlling but it was to help her and now iv pushed her away im so stupid I have to fix this and appoligise but how could I do it? I really like holly iv even told my mom about her cheesey I know but that's how much I think about her.

holly pov:

there was knock at my door and there he was there stood Beau Brooks. as soon as I opened the door he shot in and pushed me up against the door and kissed me passionately. this was heaven and I could feel him smiling throught out the kiss which made it even cuter then he pulled away and said "I don't want to change you your perfect and I fell for you as a person just the way you are" and with that we lay around in the living room watching films until it got late and he said

"I better be heading home its late and im tired"

"you could stay here with me" I said seductively

he let out a chuckle and said "where would I sleep?"

"with me" I said with confidence

then added "don't worry nothing will happen we will just snuggle"

a grin grew on his face while he went and phoned his mom.

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