The Song of Ice and Fire

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Forewarning mentions and scenes of self harm and suicidal intentions.

I was so happy today was the one year anniversary between me and my girlfriend Weiss. Honestly when I came here to Beacon at first I thought I was being pranked. I thought she was being put up to it by others. But she actually loved me for one reason or another and I was happy. She wasnt as cold as others say they just don't know. I had just a bought a necklace for her that had a small diamond heart in the center. I was heading to her dorm to give it to her. But when I showed up I saw Neptune standing there waiting for someone or something. I was confused about to say something till I saw it. Weiss ran up to him and kissed him... My girlfriend someone that made me feel special was making out with another guy... His hands were all over her and she was enjoying it. When she broke the kiss she must of looked to her side and saw me. I just slowly starting backing up tears streaming down my face.

Weiss: "(Y/N) WAIT THIS ISNT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" She shouted running towards me. I just turned around and started running for my life. I dodged around her glyphs she was trying to stop me with. I was running till I got to my dorm and slammed the door shut. I remember running past everyone... Ruby, Blake, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, Sun, Ren, and Yang. I just saw their faces stare at my tear stained face. I just ignored it and cried sitting agaisnt my door tossing the necklace on my bed. I slowly got up grabbing my longsword dawn breaker turning it into its range form of a pistol and put the barrel in my mouth. As I was about to pull the trigger I felt the gun ripped out of my hand but saw no one.

(Y/n): "DAMNITT PYRRHA LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME DIE!!!" I screamed as the tears started again I used my semblance to throw all my belongings at the door to block everyone off even my own team. I opened my window and looked around I saw Sun climbing up the side of the building trying to get to me. I closed my window and grabbed some rope forming a noose. I tied it around a rafter and tightened the noose around my neck. I kicked out the stool I wqs standing on and hung there. Soon everything went dark and I stopped breathing in peace. Or so I thought cause next I know I'm in the infirmary with a breathing mask covering my face pumping oxygen into my body. I ripped it off crying to myself remembering everything. I looked towards the door opening I was hoping it was a doctor or death or something but no it was the last person I wanted to see. Weiss walked in carrying some flowers looking at me in tears. I looked away standing up as she ran up to me hugging me. I cried more pushing her away.

Weiss: "You don't understand it was a mistake I'm sorry (Y/n) please stop this!!" She cried clinging to me as I broke away. I started walking away heading out the door. I kept pushing Weiss away as I walked back to my dorm sitting in my room crying. Weiss kept banging on my door begging me to let her in but I was in my depressed little world. I cried and cried hearing different people entering and talking to me. I recognized my team, Ruby, Sun, Blake, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren. I just sat against a wall curled up as my team came in talking to someone. Then I heard them leave and the person stay. I felt them envelope me in a warm embrace as I cried more trying to get away.

(Y/n): "Weiss... Leave me alone..." I said hearing a giggle.
Yang: "Excuse me but I don't feel like Weiss do I?" She said as I looked up seeing Yang blushing I clung to her crying my eyes out as she held me running her hands through my (H/c) hair. We stayed like this for a little bit as she tried to calm me down.

(Y/n): "Y-Yang?" I asked wiping my eyes as she looked at me smiling softly. "W...Was I a bad boyfriend to Weiss?" I asked starting to tear up again she shook her head holding me closer. I looked up to her as we both we blushing.
Yang: "No you were such a great boyfriend to Weiss. You took out on dates that were made for her enjoyment. You gave her gifts she loved and still had. You even protected her when she could barely move during that Grimm attack. You were the definition of a perfect boyfriend why she would throw that away I dont know. But there is something I want to tell you..." She said blushing more as I pulled away wiping my eyes staring at her waiting for her to continue. "I... I love you (Y/n) I actually fell for you when Weiss asked you out... You were so cute and kind to us and everyone. You tried to make everyone happy. And I was jealous of Weiss for having you. But I didn't try anything out of respect for her. Yet when I saw you running from the dorm in tears my heart broke. We all chased you until we saw your team beating on your door. I was worried and busted your door down... When I saw you hanging I got you down and started doing cpr... I carried you to the infirmary and then waited for you to get better. Everyone visited you worried. I gave Weiss hell about hurting you and making you do that." She said in tears blushing madly as I looked at her. I noticed her staring at me but never thought she loved me. Honestly I was blushing myself feeling like I could trust Yang so I hugged her smiling a little.

(Y/n): "Yang you saved me, loved me, and cared for me I dont deserve you but I will gladly return your feelings." I said softly kissing her on the lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me passionately. I held her as we made out for a little. She didn't push anything and I was glad she didnt. Once we stopped I felt her rest her head on my chest.
Yang: "I love you (Y/n)." She said in a content sigh snuggling up to me. As I held her smiling softly.
(Y/n): "I love you too Yang... And Weiss I know your there we are through you enjoy staying with Neptune since you obviously loved him more than you loved me. I'm staying here with Yang and healing my heart with her love!" I shouted at the door hearing feet runaway as I cuddled with my new girlfriend. The hot head bombshell that saved me from darkness and having my heart frozen over.

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