Seeing Past Your Front

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I yawned staring at the battlefield before me. It was a mock war of sorts where half the class fights under the rule of one person while the other half is led by a team. I was the leader of one half while team RWBY were the leaders for the other half. I scanned the area taking in every viewpoint. I looked out a window in the class room seeing my two ravens Huginn and Muninn. They were two of my four pets they let me keep here.

(Y/n): "Divert half the squad to the left most flank they are planning on overpowering our weakest flank."
Cardin: "B-But sir that would be the right flank..."
(Y/n): "I know." I said standing up grabbing Gungnir walking to the right flank. "I'm all they need to worry about now go." I ordered as they did what I asked. I approached the right flank cracking my neck.

I knew that RWBY would be leading the charge on the right flank due to my semblance Visions of Blood. I can see every move made on the battlefield and every situation. I can't be beaten not by anyone. I watched as Yang and Blake rushed the flank staying as quiet as possible. I walked infront of my team making them back off as I twirled around the lugged spear like it was nothing. Soon I watched Ruby and Weiss follow close behind Yang and Blake.

(Y/n): "Come girls please forfeit you know I can't lose."
Weiss: "Keep talking and losing focus!" She shouted doing something with her rapier. I knew she was going to try and freeze me in place with her glyphs so I just walked slowly towards them. I saw Weiss moving away trying to hide their tactic but I already figured it out. I watched Blake and Yang tense up. I was right infront of them watching as they both shifted preparing to strike.

Yang threw all her weight and strength into a right hook as Blake went for a slash across my stomach. I moved Gungnir slightly blocking both attacks with ease. They stared at me as I twirled Gungnir striking them both all over their bodies multiple times. They jumped back looking battered as I felt bad. I didnt like running this simulation every few days.

Weiss: "Got him!" She shouted as I looked down. I was indeed caught by her glyphs unable to move my lower half. I smirked before properly wielding Gungnir. I knew they would try and gang up on me. But I watched as Yang and Blake swapped places with Ruby and Weiss. I smirked knowing if I can break Weiss's focus I would be able to move. I watched them slowly inch closer tensed up preparing for my attack.

(Y/n): "Hey Weiss."
Weiss: "Yes?"
(Y/n): "Don't hate me." I said reaching out for her arm yanking her towards me. She stumbled forward surprised as I wrapped an arm around her placing my lips on hers. I watched her as well as her team stare at me shocked and blushing. I felt my lower limbs movable again as I let her go jumping back. "Sincerely don't hate me." I said with a smirk as she stood there in a daze. Ruby rushed to Weiss shaking her to no avail as I sighed. I rushed forward quickly flicking all of them but Weiss on the forehead knocking them over in surprise.

(Y/n): "Can I be declared the winner yet? And can I stop being chosen as the stupid leader every single time?" I shouted as the room returned to normal. I sat on a bench laying down Gungnir as I talked with Glynda.

Glynda: "Are you sure about doing that?"
(Y/n): "Yes I'm sure. Plus it makes it more fair for everyone." I said as she walked off in agreement as RWBY stood before me. "Ow. Ow. Ow." I said as Ruby, Yang, and Blake slapped me over the back of the head. Well Yang more or less punched me... "Ow... Totally deserved that." I said as Weiss stomped on my feet multiple times. I looked at her seeing she was still blushing madly. I stood up getting close to her whispering in her ear. "Meet me on the roof tonight." I said before softly kissing her cheek barely dodging a slap from her. I smiler grabbing Gungnir walking out of class being greeted by my other two pets Geri and Freki my twin wolves.

They were excited to see me as we walked around Beacon. I patted them on the head before heading to my next class. They sat outside the door waiting patiently for me.

Time skip later that night Weiss pov

I paced around the room nervously as my team tried to calm me down.

Yang: "Calm down Weiss seriously. He only wants to talk to you."
Weiss: "But it's him..."
Yang: "Yeah Yeah we know. The badass of the school that stole your heart. And your first kiss how was that by the way?"
Weiss: "Amazing... What if he asks me to be his girlfriend... Or what if he loves me... Or what if-"
Ruby: "Weiss please calm down this is nothing like you."
Weiss: "When you have someone steak your heart, kiss you, and then tell you to meet them later you tell me you aren't nervous before you go!" I shouted bright red as everyone was quiet. "What time is it?"
Blake: "Just go to the roof I'm sure he's there waiting for you." She said without looking up from her book. I nodded taking a few deep breaths before looking out the window. But I saw some black feathers falling agaisnt the moonlight. I shrugged it off heading out of the room determined to tell him how I felt.

(Y/n) pov a few moments later

I watched as Muninn land on my right shoulder since Huginn was on my left.

(Y/n): "So Muninn what information can you give me about how Weiss is?" I asked as it as it spoke to me explaining how she was. "Oh so that was her first kiss glad I wasn't alone. And shes nervous how cute." I said as Geri and Freki laid beside me half asleep. I watched both Muninn and Huginn settling down to sleep. "Alright I get it I get it just go back to the room all of you. Just don't sleep on my bed I like how it smells." I joked as they took off to my room. Geri and Freki were scratching at the door whimpering as I got up about to walk over. But it opened as they walked past the person. I watched Weiss emerge from the door way staring at me.

(Y/n): "Weiss you came?"
Weiss: "Of course I did I still need to pay you back for earlier." She said sounding angry as I smiled softly sitting down removing the cloak I wore laying it beside me. She nodded sitting down all proper lady like on my cloak leaning against me. I looked at her confused as she blushed bright red.

(Y/n): "Is this the payback? Cause if so I think you could do worse." I said with a soft smile as she looked at me. I knew she was thinking about it so I leaned down slowly. I watched as she leaned up pressing her lips against mine as we kissed. We stayed like this for a minute before I pulled away wrapping my arm around her. "Now that was payback. And i know I stole your first kiss Weiss."
Weiss: "How did you..."
(Y/n): "A little bird told me." I said as she starred getting mad. "Oh please your even cuter like that besides it was my first kiss as well." I said as she blushed looking down. I smiled kissing her head. "I saw past your front of arrogance and egotisticalness... That's a word yes (Y/n)... That's besides the point. What I'm trying to say is yes Weiss I love you too and I've had feelings since my eyes first landed on you." I said as she giggled hugging me tightly as I held her close.

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