The Flames of Passion (Lemon)

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Me and my girlfriend Cinder had been together for a bit. We constantly made out and stuff but I knew she enjoyed being in control. I actually loved that about her she wasnt scared to take control so when I entered her dorm I smiled.

Cinder: "Oh hey babe I don't remember calling you here." She said smiling as I flopped on a chair smirking.

(Y/n): "Do I need a reason really?" I asked as she giggled nodding. I looked over at Mercury giving him a look like 'Can you and Emerald leave us alone?' he met my gaze and nodded.

Mercury: "Hey Emerald let's go rob people of their money!" He said excitedly as she shrugged getting up as they both left. He flashed me a thumbs up as I did the same staring at Cinder. She just looked at me as I sat on her bed holding her close kissing her. I always started it since it got her upset. She quickly escalated the simple kiss to a heated make out session and when I say heated I mean heated. Luckily the bed was fire proof as I pinned her down smirking.

(Y/n): "Come on Cinder I thought you were the dominant one." I said kissing her neck nibbling as she gasped out a moan getting angry. I knew I had her right where I wanted her. Soon I saw her eyes lighting up as she flipped me over pinning me to the bed rubbing her ass agaisnt the tent in my pants. I saw her smiling having figured out my plans and set my clothes on fire. I started freaking out but she playfully slapped me stripping down completely nude as the fire burned off all my clothes. Exposing my hardened member as I saw a blush appear on her face. She got off me and pushed me onto the floor spreading her legs open for me.

Cinder: "You can only watch till I let you lick got it? And no stroking otherwise I will burn it" She asked as I nodded absorbing the view of her naked body as she started rubbing her wet slit. She was enjoying the  aggressive foreplay I know it. She was moaning and getting so wet I was watching trying not to stroke myself as she grabbed my head shoving it into her crotch. "Lick it now or else." She growled as I was more than happy to comply I grabbed her thighs and started furiously lapping at her wet slit. I heard her moaning her head off as I started sucking on her clit. But she pulled my head away glaring at me making me sit beside her. I saw her hand glowing a little as she started squeezing and stroking my member I just moaned as she smirked. "If you think about shooting it before before I tell you we will never do this again." She stated as I gulped nodding closing my eyes as she got on her knees licking from the base to the head before fully engulfing it in her mouth. I moaned and groaned feeling her tongue swirl around the head as she bobbed up and down. I bit my lip causing blood to draw as it was the only to not shoot. But I felt her stop causing me to look at her as she kissed me licking my blood. "Now the real fun begins..."she said with an evil smirk but before she could order me I grabbed her waist and slammed her down on my member destroying her barrier. She squealed in pleasure and pain biting my neck moaning into my skin. I felt my body start to heat up then I realized she was setting me on fire. I looked at her with the sad dog eyes as she smirked kissing my nose. "Make me beg for more and you get to live." She said in a seductive evil tone that made me raring to go. Instantly I was making her bounce on my member while thrusting into her entrance. She was moaning her head off as I started rubbing her clit and kissing her neck slowly traveling down to her breast licking her nipples. I felt like I was about to explode but I couldn't till she told me. But she was too into the savage pounding I was giving her to bark orders. So I took this opportunity to pin her to the bed and continue pounding her slit going faster while furiously rubbing her clit. She noticed this and wrapped her arms and legs around me moaning loudly. "I WANT IT RELEASE INTO ME (Y/N)!!" She moaned as I slammed one last time as I shot my load all over her walls as they clamper around my member. And cause she teased for so long more than expected was shot so I saw the overflow before with I pulled out my member panting as I watched the mixture of our juices flow out of her slit. I smiled but saw the bed on fire again. "I want to taste it but I feel so sore so you have one minute to get your seed in my mouth before I burn you to a crisp." She said evilly as I nodded happily. I pushed her breast together and slide my member in-between them thrusting in and out. I knew she was enjoying this watching me to squirm to bring her pleasure cause while one hand held a clock of fire counting down I saw the other one playing with her slit. I thrusted in and out faster and faster as the head occasionally touched her lips making me moan more. I looked at the time and saw I had 10 seconds left and removed my member furiously stroking it moaning more.
(Y/n): "C-Cinder I'm gonna ah!!" I moaned loudly as I felt her sucking on my head as I shot multiple blasts of my seed into her mouth moaning loudly as she swallowed each drop happily as I panted heavily falling over beside her. I didn't feel any heat but that of my girlfriends cuddle as I held her. She kissed my neck then my lips as we made out for a little.

Cinder: "I'm getting back at you for when you slammed me down you devious devil." She said giggling a little as I smiled kissing her nose.

(Y/n): "Alright baby I hope you do just give me more time than one minute to release again." I said as we cuddled under the sheets falling asleep together.

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