Her Toy Boyfriend

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It has been really weird since those new students arrived for the festival. I mean almost every girl I talked to has been mysteriously murdered and it's putting me on edge. Luckily I had my to help calm me down. And I'm especially lucky to have my girlfriend Velvet. She was always so nice and cheerful that it helped to calm me whenever I was stressed out. So I headed to her dorm worrying about everything that's been happening. I knocked on her door and waited for someone to answer. A minute later Coco answered with a smile.
Coco: "Are you stressed out and here for Velvet?"
(Y/n): "Yeah its starting to make me go crazy with how every girl I've talked to is ending up dead. I'm just a little on end." I said with small smile as she let me in. I jumped on Velvets bed stretching out as she smiled stroking my hair.
Velvet: "You are just a little paranoid about everything you know that."
(Y/n): "Yeah I know but its weird it started when I bumped into that Emerald girl last week... And I'm scared its gonna happen to you or Coco or my other friends..." I said with a sigh laying my head on her lap. She just smiled stroking my hair trying to calm me down. It was working until I felt someone staring daggers into my soul. My head shot up looking around wide eyed staring at the window. "Hey Yatsuhashi do you sense anyone around?" I asked him as he closed his eyes sensing the area. We all waited staring at him as he opened his eyes shaking his head.  I sighed a little but felt like someone was still staring at me. I hugged Velvet kissing her softly as she was shocked st first but quickly returned the hug and kiss. This girl knew how to calm me down all the time.

Emerald pov

I was watching my love (Y/n) visit that whore bunny. He didn't deserve to date a servant of humans and I bet she's black mailing him. I doubt he even likes her I bet he hates her. But when I saw that Yatsuh whatever guy look at me I quickly played with his mind making it seem like I wasn't here. When he shook his head I knew it worked. But then that happened she forced a kiss on my love. I was infuriated by this and I wanted to kill her right now. But I knew I had to wait for everyone to fall asleep since she forced my love to sleep there. So I pulled out my scroll and called Cinder.
Emerald: "Hey Cinder."
Cinder: "Hey need something?"
Emerald: "Just wondering if it be okay for me to 'have' a boyfriend live back at base."
Cinder: "Your gonna kidnap that (Y/n) person right?'
Emerald: "Yup will that be ok?"
Cinder: "As long as he doesn't screw with anything but you, you feed him properly, water him constantly, and play with him a lot. If you slack on any of those four things I'm kicking him out right away got it?"
Emerald: "Yes thank you so much I can't wait to finally have my beloved (Y/n) at last..."
Cinder: "Hey before we stop doesn't he have a girlfriend?"
Emerald: "Well yes and no she is forcing my love to date her and live with her. But I know it's just black mail so I have to rescue him why?"
Cinder: "I'm sending Neo over you and her kill the entire team and kidnap (Y/n) got it?"
Emerald: "Thank you thank you thank you so much Cinder bye!"
Cinder: "Can't wait to see his reaction bye Emerald." She said as we hung up and I was extremely happy. I haven't been this happy since I meant my love... His stacked body, sexy voice, messy (h/c) hair, deep (e/c) eyes... God he makes me weak in the knees with just his smile... I waited an hour or so till Neo arrived with her trademark smirk. I pulled out my sickles as she unsheathed her sword. She stared at me worried I guess who wouldn't I was insanely in love with (Y/n)... But now we have to get started and boy did we get started...

(Y/n) pov

When I woke up I looked to my side expecting to see Velvet but instead I saw a wall.
(Y/n): "Weird I though Velvets bed was closer to the window..." Tries to move hands and feet. "and this is a little... Kinkier then I remember every waking up to before... Hey Velvet babe can you unlock my chains I'm starving." I said waiting for a response till it hit me... Like actually hit me something hit me in the head. I grimaced at the pain looking up seeing Neo there smirking. "Damnitt Neo why did you hit me with your umbrella you know how much that hurt?" I snapped at her as she hit me again. "Seriously? Can you please stop that and tell me where I am?" I asked getting a shake in response.
???: "Don't worry my love your home now..." I heard someone say as I searched the dimly lit room for whoever said that. I didn't see anything till Neo adjusted my head to see Emerald standing their covered in blood.
(Y/n): "Emerald why are you covered in blood? Where am I? Why did you saw my love? Where are my friends?"
Emerald: "Oh don't worry about it my beloved... No one knows your here but me, Neo, and Cinder. See I knew you were being blackmailed by that bunny whore so I killed her and her terrible team. But the tape I left behind will show you doing it then running off out the window. So no one will look for you and you will be mine forever. Now I think it's time for us to play a game called recognize the head." She said laughing psychotically tossing heads onto my chest. I just shook my head trying to get away. There on my chest were all my friends and girls I've talked to over the week.
(Y/n): "NO NO NO THIS IS JUST A SICK NIGHTMARE!!!" I shouted till Neo smacked my head again smirking more as I stared at Emerald in fear.
Emerald: "I love you (Y/n)..."
(Y/n): "I refuse to love you I will never love you ever I rather die."
Emerald: "Aww wrong answer baby we can arrange that Neo." She said with a snap as I heard Neo unsheathe her sword about to slice me.
(Y/n): "WAIT WAIT WAIT I WAS KIDDING YOU KNOW A JOKE HAHA?!? I LOVE YOU EMERALD!!" I shouted closing my eyes hearing another snap then Neo sheathing her sword. I sighed feeling the head pushed off my chest but being replaced by a nearly naked Emerald.
Emerald: "I knew you loved me know we can spend forever together my love..." She said forcing me into a passionate kiss forcing her tongue into my mouth. I reluctantly returned the kiss holding back my tears seeing out of the corner of my eye Velvets severed head staring at me. When she broke the kiss smiling madly I stared back.
Emerald: "I really love you (Y/n) now your my personal boyfriend and no one else will ever have you. Your essentially my toy boyfriend that no one else can play with." She said as I nodded faking a smile as I realize this is my life now... Being her personally fuck toy and stress reliever..

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