The Man Behind the Machine

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Alright let's see if I set another first for one shots.

I sat in the workshop at Haven peacefully snoozing on the workbench. I had just stayed up for three days adjusting my weapons performance enhancing its melee capabilities. And the power of its bullets and their stopping power.

Reese: "HEY (Y/N)!!"
(Y/n): "AHHH!!!" I shouted shooting my head up slamming it agaisnt the roof of the workbench. I held my head glaring at Reese seeing Arslan. They both were giggling as I grumbled tossing a wrench at them. "My head fucking hurts now."
Reese: "Is someone a little cranky?" She said in a baby like voice mocking me.
(Y/n): "Does someone want their hoverboard to break down during the fighting festival?" I said making the same voice as she gasped.
Reese: "You wouldn't."
(Y/n): "I would and could if I want now what do you two need? I was in the middle of something very... Important."
Arslan: "Sure you were I imagine sleep in pretty important for you since you never do it like a normal person."
(Y/n): "Hey you do you I'll do me."
Reese: "Im sure you rather be with us right instead of being cooped up in here?"
(Y/n): "Yeah I wish but someone has to stay ontop of weapon maintenance for your team. I mean no one but me understands how my additions work." I said nodding to myself. As they sighed walking towards me.

Reese: "(Y/n) we know how to do it ourselves... You can rest now."
Arslan: "Seriously when was the last time you slept?"
(Y/n): "3...4... Days ago?"
Reese: "What have you eaten this entire time?"
(Y/n): "Nothing..."
Arslan: "We need to have an intervention... Seriously your gonna work yourself to death now come on we are getting lunch and your not allowed back in here for the rest of the week."
(Y/n): "But"
Reese: "NO BUTS GET MOVING!" She shouted as they pushed me out of my second home. I sighed giving in shutting down the lights as they smiled shutting the door behind them.

We all walked to lunch talking until we passed a group of students. I heard them all start talking about me. They were insulting me as I sighed regretting that I left my safe place.

Student1: "Hey isn't that (Y/n)?"
Student2: "Yeah the nerd who spends all his time in the workshop."
Student3: "Why does he even go here he should be going to a tech school not one for hunters."
Student1: "I know right? Like he does nothing but tinker with weapons all day."
Student2: "I hear he is team ABRNs personal customizer."
Student1: "Are you sure he isn't just doing it to get close to the leader and Reese?" They talked about as I walked faster ahead of Reese and Arslan. I heard laughter from behind me as I went the opposite way to the cafeteria heading to my dorm. But before I could get in Reese and Arslan stopped me as I turned to them. I felt a few tears forming in my eyes.

Reese: "Why didn't you say anything to them?"
Arslan: "You shouldnt let them talk about you like that..."
(Y/n): "But they're right for the most part... I spend all my time in the workshop cause I hate being here. I didn't want to become a stupid hunter I wanted to be a weapons teacher. Someone who shows others how to build, customize, and improve their weapons..."
Reese: "So why did you come here?"
(Y/n): "You think I had a choice? My parents forced me to come..."
Arslan: "Alright calm down. We will get you some food you can stay in here be back in a few minutes." She said giving me a hug as I blushed slightly hugging back as they walked off.

I went into my room leaving the door cracked open a little. I wanted to just go back to the workshop and stay there. I sat in silence waiting for them to come back. It was a few minutes before they pushed open my door coming in. They had three plates of food for then as I took the one they handed me. We ate in silence since no one was sure what to talk about.

Reese: "So... Do you like us (Y/n)?"
(Y/n): "That was blunt... What do you mean us?"
Reese: "Me and Arslan I mean when you do your thing you usually pay attention to our stuff the most."
Arslan: "Now that you mention it yeah your right. I noticed that as well... Do you like us?"
(Y/n): "Oh come on let me be I don't want to embarrass myself anymore then I already have."
Reese: "So that's a yes isn't it?"
(Y/n): "I refuse to clarify."
Arslan: "Yeah he definitely does."
(Y/n): "Really you too? Fine yes I love the both of you..." I said bright red before realizing I said love not like.
Reese: "Oh so you looove us do you?"
(Y/n): "..............."
Arslan: "Reese stop tormenting him or should I torment you?"
Reese: "You wouldn't dare."
Arslan: "(y/n) Reese loves you she doesn't stop talking about you."
Reese: "I CANT BELIEVE YOU!!! Fine payback Arslan loves you as well (Y/n)!" She shouted bright red as I stared at the two of them. I was shocked that they felt the same. They both were glaring at one another with me in the middle as I laid back staring at my ceiling. They glanced at me as I smiled.

(Y/n): "Now I understand why you two always come visit me a few times a week. I was do confused cause I did maintenance every two weeks. But neither of you ever did anything but watch me work and help out. I enjoyed the company and helping so if you two share what I feel for you why don't we just start going out. Or would that upset you two?"
Reese: "Fuck that I want you." She said placing the tray on the floor laying beside me cuddling with me. I blushed and heard Arslan do the same thing as we cuddled together.

I was so happy right now. I was their weapon maintenance keeper or the man behind the machines. But now I was that and the boyfriend to Reese and Arslan. I kissed their heads softly as they giggled hugging me tightly as we laid there. I closed my eyes slowly falling asleep holding my two beautiful girls.

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