Hiding Your Feelings Make Them Shine Brighter

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A/N Alright I already did a cheater Weiss X male reader x Yang. But it was requested twice and I just came up with a new way of doing it. So here goes nothing.

Me and Neptune hit it off pretty well when Sun introduced us to him. I would jokingly try and fight him everytime he tried hitting on Weiss cause she was my girlfriend. We had been going out for about 8 months or so. And classes just ended so I went to her dorm wanting to spend time with her. But when I opened her door there she was sprawled out in her lingerie with Neptune ontop in his boxers. I just froze as she looked over seeing me.

Weiss: "WAIT (Y/N) DONT JUMP TO ANY CONCLUSIONS THIS MEANS NOTHING!!" She shouted as I stood there processing everything.
(Y/n): "No it's fine I understand I wasnt the best boyfriend to you no matter how hard I tried. And you Neptune buddy nice job try her better than I did so she doesn't leave you." I said with a smile walking out closing the door behind me pulling my scroll out. I pulled up the song 'Wolf in Sheeps Clothing' and plugged my ear buds in listening to the music on loop. I just walked around beacon with a fake smile. I wanted to break down and cry but no one has seen me cry. And I dont want it to start. So I just hanged under a tree listening to my music reading a book. I saw people standing infront of me as I looked up from my book. It was RWBY, JNPR, and Sun and Neptune. I just smiled waving at them as I pulled out my ear buds since they started talking.
Ruby: "Are you okay (Y/n)?" She asked as I nodded pausing my music so they don't hear how I truly felt. They were all interrogating me about how I was. I just smiled and said I was fine. I congratulated Neptune again on winning Weiss over as everyone stared at the two of them. They looked away feeling guilty. I just got up with my book.
(Y/n): "I'm fine seriously guys just cause I walked in on them about to have sex doesnt make me upset. The fact he got farther than me is good for him." I said blatantly stating what hurt me the most but kept up my optimistic personality and smile. They all looked at me and gave up knowing I wasn't gonna say anything bad. I smiled waving them off as Weiss and Neptune looked back. I went to the roof sitting up there skipping dinner as I sat infront of the door up here listening to my music. I finally dropped my smile and started crying my eyes out. I sat there for hours crying and crying while curled into a ball. What I didnt hear was someone climbing up the stairs.
Yang: "Who is up here crying at this time and why is the door not opening?" She said charging the door trying to open it as I froze. I quickly got up and tried to hide from her as she finally bursted through the door. She looked around for anyone as I hid behind a ventilation outlet. I wiped my my eyes of tears and tried to hide my sad voice.
(Y/n): "Hey Yang find the source of the crying? I came up for the same reason." I said using my fake smile trying to disguise the sadness in my voice. She looked at me staring at my eyes. "What is there still food on my face?" I said laughing slightly wiping my face as she came closer. I looked around nervously knowing she would be able to tell I was. She grabbed my wrist before I could run and stared at my face.
Yang: "Why are you hiding your feelings?" She asked as I sighed looking away.
(Y/n): "People saw me as the happy go lucky guy who never cried at all. They all thought I was made of stone all but my friends you guys. But when I walked in on them I instantly broke I couldn't think straight and I just wanted to die I mean... A guy I considered a best friend was right there about to fuck my girlfriend the first person to approach me when I arrived. But I only wanted what was best for them so I hid everything." I said breaking away walking to the railing staring out over the campus. I stared at the stars and sky as I heard Yang leave.

Yang pov

I ran down to catch up with Weiss and Neptune. I had to tell them everything he just told me. I grabbed Weiss out of breath as she stared at me confused.
Yang: "Weiss you are an idiot." I said after catching my breath. As she stared at me angrily.
Weiss: "Why am I an idiot sure I hurt (Y/n) but obviously he didn't care about our relationship that much. He isn't even crying about it." She said as I sighed looking at Neptune shooting him a 'Your an even bigger idiot' look as he stared confused.
Yang: "You both don't understand this devastated him. I went to the roof hearing someone cry and there he was tear stained face and depressed voice. He thinks so highly of you Neptune like you were a brother or something and you Weiss. You were his first friend here and first to actually enjoy his company around here. He is hiding how he feels cause he doesnt want you guys to worry. Even though he is heartbroken and depressed he still is looking out for you both. Weiss tell me did he not take you out on good dates? Give you absolutely no gifts? Spend no time with you? Not care about you and not help you when you needed it?." I asked she shook her head.
Weiss: "No... He did the opposite he was a perfect boyfriend but he never tried anything..." She said as I slapped her pissed off.
Yang: "THATS BECAUSE HE DOESNT WANT YOU TO FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE AND RUIN HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!!"I shouted turning away from them. "If you both were too blind to see how much he cares about you two then be happy while he suffers." I said walking away heading back to the roof looking for (Y/n).

(Y/n) pov

I sat on the railings kicking my feet staring at the sky as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I turned my head wiping my eyes and putting on my smile. I see everyone come up as i waved returning my attention to the sky. I heard them run up and pull me away from the railings.
(Y/n): "Hey I was stargazing guys!" I shouted at them staring at the sky to hide my tears.
Weiss: "(Y/n) Yang told us all everything..." She said sounding sad as I jumped up laughing a little.
(Y/n): "What could she have said? I haven't seen her since you guys checked up on me." I said lying through my smile as I felt someone take my scroll. "Hey my music!!" I said turning around facing them as the moon shone showing my tear stained face and puffy red eyes and they heard the song I was listening to. They all looked at me as I turned away walking to railing leaning on it. "It hurt it really did seeing what I walked in on... But I didn't want you all to worry so I put on a façade to hide my sadness. I didn't want my image of happy go lucky to be ruined cause I found something out that I shouldn't have. So yeah I'm crying I'm depressed I want to die but I want to make sure everyone is happy..." I said sitting on the railing again staring at the sky. "I'm just a mess of a man right now isnt that right Weiss? You cheated cause I didn't give into my primal urges and fuck you." I stated feeling her hug me from behind.
Weiss: "I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't know how much you were hurting I didn't want this to happen. You werent around and he made the advances and I just couldn't resist I'm sorry." She said crying into my back as I sighed.
(Y/n): "Neptune come grab your girlfriend and comfort her that's your job now so don't disappoint me." I said looking back at them with tears streaming down my face smiling. He nodded and grabbed Weiss trying to calm her but it wasnt working. "No you idiot like this." I said grabbing Weiss wrapping my arms around her softly kissing her head and gently stroking her hair. When I did this she instantly snuggled up to me in tears. I gave her to him as he repeated everything as she cried more hugging him. I just smiled wiping my eyes turning around to stare at the sky. Soon everyone left me alone as I started crying again but I felt someone pull me off the railing and hold me. I looked up to see it was Yang. "Come on Yang let me-" I said but was cut off by her placing a kiss on my lips holding me closer. I looked at her in shock as she broke the kiss.
Yang: "I love you (Y/n). Your so kind, caring, you put us before yourself, you didn't even get mad at those two you cared for them and let them go... I can't say how much I love you and its been there since the first day." She said blushing madly as I looked at her blushing myself. I stroked her cheek smiling slightly.
(Y/n): "I have always liked you Yang even when I was in love with Weiss I had feelings for you. And now I can finally say I love you Yang after being betrayed and hurt." I said pulling her into a deep and passionate kiss holding her closely. When we broke I smiled tearing again looking at her.
Yang: "What is it baby? I can call you that right?" She asked with a slight blush as I smiled slightly.
(Y/n): "Just thinking how I hid my feelings for you for so long yet they shine just as bright if not brighter than the day I met you. And yes you can as long as I can call you my everything and such." I said as she smiled snuggling up to me content with our confession for each other.

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