I Never Asked For This (Dark)

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Forewarning mentions of rape and abuse

You are a wolf Faunus so you know what you have.

When I first arrived at this school I was immediately made a laughingstock. The bully team as kids call them team CRDL harassed me for being a faunus. But I soon learned from others that I wasn't the only one suffering this abuse. A female bunny faunus named Velvet was going through it as well. I felt like she didn't deserve it while I did. So I decided I would take on her beatings on as well as my own.

Cardin: "Hey bunny bitch what are you doing?"
Velvet: "I-Im just eating my l-lunch..."
Cardin: "No your in my presence so get lost!" He demanded as I saw him reaching for Velvet. I rushed over pushing him over baring my fangs. "Oh look it's the bitch trying to act all high and mighty. Lets get him." He stated as his team grabbed me holding me up for him. I growled snapping at them struggling to get free. As he cracked his knuckled as I gulped staring at him with my (e/c) eyes. "Lower beings shouldn't be looking at us dead in the eye." He said before slamming his fist into my stomach as I gagged coughing violently looking at him. 'He's no different than my father...' I thought as he punched me in the face twice before slamming his fist down on the top of my head. I yelped and cried in pain as he laughed  slapping me over and over.

Growling I snapped at his hand catching it and biting down hard on it. He yelped smashing his fist agaisnt my nose trying to make me release his hand. I refused to let it go shaking my head tearing his skin as he continued beating on my face. I felt blood running down my face from my fore head and nose. But I didn't relent I kept tearing into his flesh as he smashed his fist right into the side of my nose. I was in excruciating pain as I hear a crunching noise in my nose as I figured it was broken. I let him go in pain as he held his hand staring at how deep the teeth marks were and how much skin I tore off. I bared my now bloodied fangs at him as he kicked my stomach in as his teammates let me go. I yelped again falling onto the ground holding my stomach coughing up some blood. They just smirked and started kicking me as hard as possible as I groaned in pain. I felt it my rage was boiling and I knew this was bad. I saw doubles in my vision as I felt a single tear of blood roll down my cheek as their shoes caught on fire. But they freaked out cause it was blue fire and burned 20x hotter than normal fire. They rushed out trying to put out the fire as I stood up wobbling back over to my seat. I passed out halfway there.

When I woke up I was in the nurses room laying on one of the beds. I sat up looking around seeing Velvet and Coco sitting on my sides. I just offered a small smile as Coco got up leaving me and Velvet alone.

Velvet: "Why..."
(Y/n): "Huh?"
Velvet: "Why do you keep rushing to my rescue and antagonizing him to beat you up?"
(Y/n): "Because you did nothing to him and for him to abuse you... For no reason I won't let that happen... Even if it costs me my life I won't let him hurt you." I said clenching my fists with a slight blush as she giggled a little blushing. I looked at her smiling softly as she kissed my cheek causing me to blush madly. She giggled grabbing on of my hands holding it gingerly.

Velvet: "You don't have to be my hero. You already are in such pain from all the other beatings, your ribs are bruised, your bones have small fractures... How can you let him get away with that?"
(Y/n): "T-Those weren't him..." I said in tears looking away.
Velvet: "Can you talk about it?" She asked gently handing me a tissue as I wiped my eyes tearing more.
(Y/n): "I...I don't know..." I stuttered out on the verge of crying.
Velvet: "How about we play a game?"
(Y/n): "Does it involve a rubber ball?" I asked jokingly as we chuckled together.
Velvet: "No we take turns telling secrets and we won't tell anyone else this will stay between us alright?" She asked as I nodded slowly.

(Y/n): "I will go first I... Protect you cause you remind me of something I couldn't protect earlier in life."
Velvet: "I think your very handsome and chivalrous." She said as we both blushed looking at one another.
(Y/n): "Well I think your g-gorgoeus..."
Velvet: "I think about how brave and cool you are at night when you rescue me."
(Y/n): "I um think about you a lot..."
Velvet: "I think I'm in love with you..."
(Y/n): "I want to spend all the time in the world with you..." I said noticing we were getting closer with each secret.
Velvet: "I... I... I... Want you to be my boyfriend."
(Y/n): "I...I want you to be my girlfriend..." I said as we both were red faced our lips nearly touching. She realized this and smiled slightly as I leaned a bit closer gently placing my lips onto hers. She quickly pressed her lips back as we kissed for a minute before pulling away. We smiled softly as I held her squeezing it softly.

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