A Frozen Bond Between Master and Summon

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I sat in a glacier frozen in time. I was waiting for my next master to call me forth. It has been eons since the last master who had an affinity with me called me forth. I felt someone almost reaching out for me. I saw the glyph of the summoner as I approached it closing my eyes shielding myself.

When I opened them again I was in a open aired place before two women. One older with her white hair up and another sprawled on the ground that I knew was my new master. I kneeled before the fallen one lowering my head to her.

???: "W-Who are you?"
(Y/n): "I am (Y/n) the god of ice you are my master now."
Weiss: "Wait I... I summoned a god? W-Well I'm Weiss Schnee it's a pleasure to meet you (Y/n). But you can rise now." She said as I stood up helping her at the same time. She smiled as I bowed to her.
(Y/n): "Is there anything you would like me to do as of now master?"
Weiss: "U-Uh show me how strong you are and please stop calling me master... It's embarrassing Weiss is just fine."
(Y/n): "Yes master... I mean Weiss if it's a demonstration you would like it is a demonstration you shall get." I said before turning to the forest beside the area. I clenched my hand into a fist as every tree surrounding the area shattered into fine powder. "Will that do Weiss?" I asked kneeling before her again as she sighed.

Weiss: "Alright let's establish some ground rules... No more kneeling as much as I like it you don't have to. You can if you want but not if you feel obligated. Also no calling me master mistress anything of the sorts just Weiss. And now do I need to complete a sort of contract or something?"
(Y/n): "You must do nothing of the sorts I must make the contract." I said standing up taking her hand. I saw her face heat up with a blush as I pulled her closer. "Please forgive me Weiss but this is the only way for a contract with a god can be made." I said before softly placing my lips on hers as a bright light surrounded us. We both closed our eyes as she held onto me returning the kiss. We stayed like this for a few moments before I pulled away causing the light to fade.

I let her go falling to my knees lowering my head. I heard her sigh crouching down beside me. I saw her face it was bright red. She stood up pulling me with her as she smiled softly.

Weiss: "1. Was that really the only way to create the contract? 2. Are you staying here until you need to regain your strength? 3. How do I call you when I need you? 4. Did it really have to be a kiss on the lips and not on the hand or something?" She asked as I nodded taking a deep breath.
(Y/n): "Yes that was the only way for the contract to be made. It shows that the summoner has complete faith in the summon and binds them together. If one should die the contract will be broken. I am staying here till I can no longer breath. God summons have a limitless supply of power and can stay in this realm for eons before feeling tired in any form. When you need me just think of me or say my name in a flash of ice I will be by your side ready to fulfill your wish. And again a kiss is the only way to show the summoner trusts their summon with their life." I finished explaining as her and the other woman were dumbstruck I just kneeled down lowering my head to her as she sighed. She told me to get up and follow her which I did. I met with the rest of her team bowing to them and telling them my identity. Their faces shared the same look of shock as Weiss did.

Time skip a few days later

I sat atop the building called Beacon awaiting her call. It was starting to get dangerous seeing all the creatures surrounding the building and where she was. Over these few days with her I have felt all my years of loneliness melt away with her. None of my masters from before had been able to do this. This one was special so for her I would do anything even kill myself.

My focus was grabbed by her calling my name in desperation. In a flash of white I shattered into ice reappearing beside her stopping the attack from the machine with my bare hand. I wrapped an arm around her to let her know I was her. She hugged me before backing off slowly as I stared at the machine.

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