Death, Blood, Gore, Love?

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*knows absolutely nothing about doom.* You guys enjoy seeing me struggle I swear well here goes nothing enjoy. Also I think the Doom guy is like 30 well here he is 18 so yeah... Again I KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT DOOM!!!

I wiped the blood off of my helmet pulling out my super shotgun. I used it to dispatch some of the demon spawns but I froze. I wasn't scared but I was more confused seeing a black wolf with blood red eyes and a skull mask. I approached it cautiously as it stared at me growling. I sighed checking all my ammo seeing I was low on everything. I just went up to it grabbing it's skull and snapping its neck. I looked around and saw more of these creatures. They didn't seem as deadly as the demons so I just went along one by one snapping their necks or ripping out their spines. But when I killed them I didn't even get ammo or health from their corpses like the demons. I stared at my weapons gazing at my favorite four.

(Y/n): "Gotta love the super. But then again gattling gun. Or the glass cannon. And then we got that classic chainsaw.... WAIT FLYING FUCK!!" I shouted turning around jumping out of the way of a rocket. I turned pulling out my glass cannon firing a burst into it. It fell to the ground as I rushed up performing an execution as nothing dropped again. I was confused at this point used to them dropping ammo. I just went along my way heading to finish this fight.

Time skip 3 hours later on Mars after final boss

When I arrived on Mars i was so tired and exhausted. But the doctor pushed me into a machine saying he would see me again. He took all but my favorite weapons and the Crucible from me. But something went wrong since he was trying to stop the machine. Then everything went black.

When I awoke I wasn't anywhere I recognized I sat up holding my head. The helmet and armor were good for protection but not for safety. I took off the helmet feeling my head for any blood. There was a slight amount of blood but not too much. so I stood up strapping my weapons to my back walking through these woods. This place was a lot more luscious and beautiful then Earth and Mars.

???: "Uh who are you?" Some female asked me as I turned around seeing a group of them. It was weird they were nothing like any girls I had seen before.
(Y/n): "I'm (f/n) (l/n) also known as the Doom Slayer. Who are you four ladies?" I said as they all stared at me.
Ruby: "Hi I'm Ruby Rose." The black haired tipped in red said. "This is Yang Xiao Long my sister." She said gesturing to the blonde that was trying to flirt with me using gestures. "Weiss Schnee." Pointed to the platinum haired girl. I felt her stare straight into my soul with her piercing cold stare. "And this is Blake Belladonna." She said gesturing to the Raven haired girl with a bow. I offered a friendly hello to each of them before hearing growls around us.

(Y/n): "Alright you girls stay back I got this." I said pulling out my chainsaw revving it up while checking how much juice it had left. "Not much... Gotta make due." I said before leaping forward going on a massacre tearing everything apart. I watched as the creatures dissipated into dust as I turned back to the girls. They were all staring at me as I smiled walking back to them.

Ruby: "So cool is that your weapon?"
(Y/n): "Uh I guess? I thought girls weren't into weapons?"
Ruby: "I love them see?" She said pulling out a giant mechanical scythe showing it off. I had never seen anything like it as I noticed the gauntlets on Yangs hands.
(Y/n): "Do you all have special weapons?"
Weiss: "Yes we do now who are you? Are you part of the White Fang?" She asked suspiciously as I stared at her confused.
(Y/n): "No I came from Mars... I have not a single flying fuck where I am and where I can go." I said walking past them picking up my helmet staring at the cracked visor.

Blake: "Weiss he isn't a faunus."
Weiss: "But he has that chainsaw the second in command at White Fang has a chainsaw. We never saw his face before."
(Y/n): "Well it was nice meeting you all but I'm just gonna go along my way and find out where I am..." I said walking off with a wave. But I saw everything go fuzzy as I fell over unconscious.

Time skip 7 hours later at night

When I awoke I sat up looking around. I was in a bunkbeds of sorts surrounded by the same girls from before. I just held my head in slight pain as I coughed up a little blood. I just wiped it away using my arm but I saw I wasn't wearing my armor. I blushed slightly pulling the covers off seeing I was in my jeans and tee.

(Y/n): "W-What... What happened?"
Ruby: "You walked away not even a few steps before falling over unconscious. We brought you here to Beacon and had you checked out. They say you have fractured bones all over your body from the strain your armor puts on you. But what we can't seem to understand is why your aura isn't healing you."
(Y/n): "Aura? The fuck is that?"
Weiss: "Oh god its Jaune all over again."
Blake: "Remember the place he said he came from Mars? I looked in a lot of places for that name but it doesn't exist. So he is either lying to us about it or he is from a different universe."
(Y/n): "I would go with the latter of the two. The last thing I remember is... Is... I... I can't remember. All I know is my name and Mars that's it... And you four." I said holding my head confused about everything.

They stared at one another before staring at me as I blushed looking away. I felt so vulnerable like this but they say my armor is straining my body so I can't hide in my shell.

Ruby: "Hey don't worry about it you just focus on getting better we will help you."
(Y/n): "Alright... Wait am I in someone's bed?"
Weiss: "Yes your in mine."
(Y/n): "Alright then..." I said standing up stumbling to a desk. I sat in the chair as they watched me in shock from what they say is wrong with me. I just smile slightly still blushing as they sighed talking with me.

Time skip 6 months later

I still had no clue who or where I am and came from so I enrolled here at Beacon. Apparently I'm training to be a hunter or something but im more concerned with pressing matters. Everytime I fall asleep I wake up in bed with all four of the girls. I dont know if I do it or what.

(Y/n): "Hey Ruby can I ask you all something."
Ruby: "Go ahead."
(Y/n): "Do I walk in my sleep? Cause I keep waking up in bed with all four of you." I said blushing as I saw her and everyone else go bright red in the room.
Ruby: "Yeah... N-No that's on us..."
(Y/n): "You girls don't have to baby me I'm not like when I first arrived I can wear my armor and stuff without pain."
Blake: "No its not that it's um..."
Yang: "Will anyone say it or are we gonna be awkward?"
Weiss: "I will say it (Y/n)" I turned to her "We... We... We all love you." She said as I looked away bright red mumbling something out. "What was that?"
(Y/n): "I..." Mumbled out trialing off. She made me look at them as I took a deep breath. "I... Love you all as well... You all cared for me when I was so weak and took me in. I owe my life to you all so its only natural I would fall for you all..." I said as they all giggled as Weiss grabbed my hand dragging me to her bed. I was pushed down playfully as they climbed onto me cuddling as I held them close smiling.

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