My Love for You Makes Me Stronger

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I sat in Yangs dorm listening to my music. She was busy playing her fighting game against Ruby. I just chuckled as they always did this. One would win and the other would get angry for no reason. I pricked my ears up hearing something outside the door.

Weiss: "Yang never stops talking about (Y/n)."
Blake: "I know... I think she confessed to him already but he let her down gently."
Weiss: "I don't understand why they don't just start dating already."
Blake: "Just drop it you know it's a touchy subject between them." She said as they mumbled some more before opening the door. I looked at my scroll pretending to have heard nothing.

Yang: "Ha little sister that's 10 wins for me to the 2 wins you have."
Ruby: "No fair Yang you know all the combos in the game!"
Weiss: "Oh god they are fighting over that game again..."
(Y/n): "Welcome to my past hour here." I said reading a book on my scroll as they sighed. "Oh yeah Blake I recommend Darkness, Despair, Grimm it's still fairly new but the concept is actually quite interesting." I said as she sat beside me looking at my scroll.

Blake: "General plot please."
(Y/n): "One man a savior of his realm is transported to another version but completely different. There he meets what could be his clone for that realm and they become great friends fast. But soon they get dragged into a new world filled with creatures neither had ever seen and challenges they never though of. Along with a possible love interest or two along the way."
Blake: "That... Actually is quite interesting now my interest is peaked."
Yang: "My interest is peaked too..."
(Y/n): "Yes Yang I know I've already read it to you today."
Yang: "I'm just saying..." She said with a pout as I sighed. I laid down my scroll walking over to her before wrapping my arms around her. She just giggled before returning the hug nuzzling my neck. I blushed before releasing her as she clung to me. I whimpered drooping my ears and tail looking at her with my puppy face.

Yang: "Oooh fine." She grumbled releasing me as I sat back on the bed smirking. I put on my ear buds listening to my music happily.
Ruby: "(y/n)!"
(Y/n): "Ye?"
Ruby: "Catch!" She shouted as I looked up at her. The moment I did so the remote slammed into my face with a crash as it plopped into my lap. I held my face in pain groaning slightly. "OMG I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA CATCH IT!!"
Weiss: "WILL YOU BOTH STOP YELLING PLEASE!?!" She shouted as we both looked away embarrassed. I took the control sitting beside Yang still rubbing my nose. She just giggled hugging me as I blushed slightly.

Time skip 3 hours at night

I looked at the time and sighed. It was 8 at night and we had classes tomorrow. I got up going to leave until Yang stopped me. I looked at her confused as she was blushing.

Yang: "Can we go somewhere to talk like on a date..."
(Y/n): "Yang for the last time we aren't going out... I know you love me and i care about you but I don't know if it's as a best friend or more."
Yang: "I-I know... But I wanted to spend time and apologize for Ruby earlier..."
(Y/n): "Hmm... Fine lets go grab a bite to eat now." I said as she nodded among happily as we walked to her pride and joy in the world. I sat behind her as she put on her aviator glasses. I smiled slightly as she put the keys in revving the engine.

We drove for about an hour until we got to a late night cafe place. She kicked out the parking gear leaning the cycle on it as we walked in. We just ordered some tea and water as we started talking. We heard many people around us saying how cute of a couple we made and I looked away flattening my ears against my head. She smiled giggling as we continued talking enjoying our drinks until. Suddenly a gun shot rang through the cafe scaring everyone as several masked men barged in. I noticed they all had fully automatic rifles. They started barking orders as they started taking hostages. I was about to grab Yang until one of them slammed the butt of their rifle into my jaw. I recoiled back into my seat as they dragged Yang away from me. Normally I wouldn't be worried but we didn't bring our weapons with us.

They were really annoying us and ruining our time here. But seeing them holding her hostage was very... Enraging to me. Something was telling me to snap and break all their necks.

Yang: "(Y-Y/n)?"
Robber: "Quiet bitch or I blow your fucking brains out!" He shouted pressing the barrel to her head. I felt my eye twitching and my ear flattening agaisnt my head as my tail sagged.
Mugger: "Looky here pup cooperate and we won't harm your girlfriend promise." He said as I looked at Yang thinking about us. I didn't see her as that but something was telling me I should see her like that. But my thoughts were disrupted by Yangs cries of fear.
Yang: "S-Stop grabbing me t-there ahh..." She cried out as I saw the man holding her had grabbed a hand full of her breast groping her. The sick bastard was enjoying himself so much. Then snap I felt something snap inside me as I stood up glaring at them all. They just smirked as all the guns were trained on me. I growled baring my fangs as they unloaded a hail of bullets into me.

I dodged around most of them but a few hit my arms as I grimaced in pain. But that didn't stop me I rushed the guy holding Yang tackling him to the ground. I started bashing his face in with my bare hands.

Everything after that moment was darkness to me. When I realized where I was I figured it out. I was in my bed at Beacon as Yang was sleeping with me cuddling as I blushed slightly. Slowly everything started piecing itself together. Soon it all clicked and I kissed Yangs head. She woke up looking at me teary eyed.

Yang: "Why did you..."
(Y/n): "Why did...?"
Yang: "Take all those bullets..."
(Y/n): "Well it's becuase my love for you makes me stronger. Nothing can stop me if I'm with you." I said kissing her head as she giggled pulling me back down as we cuddled before falling back asleep.

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