There is No Escape

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No fucking clue if that is Winter or thier actual mother... Most likely Winter so I will make up their mother... Diane perfect name for her :p Anyway onto the story!!! SEEKER AWAY!! Also sorry requester but I couldn't just ignore the perfect chance for a yandere team rwby x reader x mothers. I just couldn't T~T.

I woke up in bed blinking my eyes a few times adjusting to the bright morning sun. But suddenly the sunlight was blocked out by the four heads of hair that were... my captors. I wiggled around slightly hoping I could escape the bindings they placed on me and run away to find help. But I froze as I felt movement that wasn't my own. I swallowed hard as they arose from their slumber holding one of the four ropes that they tied me up with.

(Y/n): "G-Good morning..." I mumbled out feeling my body shake in fear as they all smirked kissing my head.
Them: "Good morning beloved~~~ I hope your ready for our morning time~~" They said as I shook my head scooting back as I watched Yang and Ruby reaching for the whips.
(Y/n): "P-Please no... N-Not today.." I begged on the verge of tears as they giggled untying me and instead chaining me to the bed. I whimpered as they started whipping me upset by my opposition.
Ruby: "Stop crying like a bitch!" She demanded smacking me over the head as I whimpered more. But I stopped as I felt a sharp point to my throat to see Blake and Weiss pressing the tips of their blades to my throat.
Weiss: "Now now sweetie there is no reason to be whimpering when your future wives want some morning sex."
Blake: "Indeed now if you don't stop whimpering like a girl we will cut out your voice box and never let you out of this room do you understand?" They said as I nodded furiously silencing my cries as they smiled kissing my cheek.
Yang: "Such a good boy... But since it took three of us to make him silence himself you know what that means~~~"
(Y/n): "N-No... Not that not today! It's parents day!"
Them: "Too bad~~~ It's punishment time~~~" They said with malicious glee as I was unchained and flipped over onto my stomach and rechained. I struggled wanting to escape this hell but froze as I felt blood trickling down my back.

Yang: "Oh my~~ Most of his wounds have reopened already~~" She said as I felt them each take turns. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip as yang proceeded to pound her fist into my back as I could feel my ribs being bruised and broken. This continued with each of them and their weapons for a few minutes until Blake was finished and I was drenched in sweat, tears, and blood.

Yang: "Weiss go with him and clean him up. he needs to be presentable for our parents." She said with a sly knowing smirk making me terrified. But I didn't resist they had beat the last bit of resistance out of me just then. I washed my body as Weiss helped me and used my body for other things.
Weiss: "Mmmm fuck I love you sweetie.."
(Y/n): "...."
Weiss: "I said. I.Love.You."
(Y/n): "I-I love you too..." I said quickly hearing the anger in her voice as she smiled happily walking around my back pressing her body against my back.
Weiss: "I just love your semblance. We all do. Almost automatically heals all wounds non life threatening. That means we can do whatever we want and you will have no proof... Too bad it requires a tiny bit of water to work." She said licking my neck as shudders ran up my spine.
(Y/n): "....."
Weiss: "Aww whats wrong baby? Nervous about meeting your future mothers in law?"
(Y/n): "K-Kinda..."
Weiss: "Aww thats so sweet, but don't worry baby." She said getting close to my ear. "They are going to love you." She said adding extra emphasize to the word love before licking my ear. I shook in fear as we cleaned off and got dressed heading back to the dorm.

Skip to first class

I sat in my seat right beside Weiss as the parents started filling the classroom. I looked around trying to find the parents to the girls. Hopefully I could talk some since into them or have them save me from this eternal damnation. Then I saw them I couldn't help but stare at them as they walked in going to the back of the class. I mean sure this witches are horrible and evil but they are still rather beautiful. If they weren't so fucking insane I wouldn't mind being with them. But now I know they didn't get their looks by chance but instead from the parents. I looked down at my notes as I knew I could feel a blush forming on my face as class started.

Port: "Alright now can someone demonstrate for the class how to take down a beowolf bare handed? ...Anyone? Come on kids I did this for a sport when I was your age... (Y/n)!"
(Y/n): "Y-Yes sir?!?"
Port: "Down here for a demonstration now." He demanded as I nodded getting up walking down the aisle to the front to the class as he rolled in a caged beowolf. It stared at me snapping his mouth at me growling and I was trembling. not because of the grimm but because I felt eight pairs of eyes baring down upon me filled with malicious and lust. I froze as Weiss's word rang in my head as the cage was opened.

They are going to love you

With this thought in mind I made the connection as the beowolf pinned me to the ground. And as to why I didn't see any males with them. I heard Port barking at me as I regained focus kicking the beowolf off my body and jumpng up. It slashed at me as I jumped back slightly dodging each and everyone of its attacks. It howled in obvious anger as I took this as my opportunity to grab one of its arms, get behind it and break the arm as it evaporated into smoke. Then I grabbed its neck and proceeded to kill it. I felt those same eyes on me but instead of the usual emotions I felt approval and pride. I went back to my seat as Weiss checked on me kissing my cheek softly while slowly stroking my back. I smiled at her as I enjoyed this interaction much more then any of the others.

As the day continued on they each took turns with me making sure I was fine and happy as I smiled. They were being unusually nice to me not even secretly threatening me. They were actually acting like proper, innocent, sane girlfriends. But around lunch time I felt a lustful atmosphere coming from them all as we sat outside to eat. No one else was around or could see us since we had a small picnic with the mothers. I laid out the blanket as they all smiled sitting down around me as I chuckled nervously.

(Y/n): "S-So where are the fathers?" I asked innocently as the girls snickered and I looked around.
Kali: "Oh lets worry about them introductions are first. My name is Kali Belladonna Blakes mother." The one sitting beside Blake said as I nodded seeing the obvious resemblance.
Summer: "I am Summer Rose, mother to my beautiful little Ruby." She said as they hugged one another smiling and giggling as I noticed the same eyes and hair on the both of them.
Raven: "I'm Raven Branwen mother to your little hotheaded girlfriend." She said as I stared at them covering my mouth trying not to laugh. they barely looked a like. But my laughter stopped as Weiss's mother slapped me on the back of my head.
(Y/n): "O-Ow..."
Diane: "Now that's rather rude to laugh during introductions (y/n). I am Diane Schnee mother to Weiss. She's my little snow angel." She said as I stared at her nodding before freezing.
(Y/n): "W-Why did you hit me?" I asked as they were all silent getting closer to me. I felt a sinister aura exuding from all eight of them as I fell back trying to crawl away.

Raven: "You asked about the fathers correct?" She said in a monotone but terrifying tone as I nodded feeling my back hit a tree.
Diane: "It's rather simple cause you see."
Summer: "They all are working at home."
Kali: "Like the good slaves they are." They each said in the same terrifying tone as I felt my heart pounding in my chest.
Yang: "Well what can we say~~"
Weiss: "Like mother~~"
Ruby: "Like daughter~~"
Blake: "Now it's time for you to meet your extra masters~~" They said as I started hyperventilating about to turn and run until i felt tightness around my neck. I saw raven infront of me inside a tear in space.
Raven: "Aww where are you going big guy? The fun's just getting started~~" She said as I felt tears in my eyes. I watched as they all slowly started getting undressed and Raven covered my mouth with her hand. I felt the tears streaming down my face as this happened and they took my pants down. There is no escape for me there never will be. Cause I am a prisoner to this sick, twisted, and demented family. Soon to become my family... Always under there persistent watch and control. No more freedom for me cause once we are out of Beacon I know there will be marriages going on and my life will be ove.

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