Notice Me Senpai

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Well fuck me... So many requests... So many lemons...

I returned from my mission holding my arm in pain. My last mission I nearly lost my arm. But I had endured so it's fine. I walked towards the Nurses seeing three students I didn't recognize. I stopped by them checking out who they were.

(Y/n): "Hey who are you three?"
Cinder: "I'm Cinder Falls and whats it to you?"
(Y/n): "I'm (Y/n) also known as the solo guardian of this school. Which begs the question who are you three?"
Cinder: "We are members of team CMEN from Haven."
Mercury: "I'm Mercury Black."
Emerald: "A-And I'm Emerald Sustrai..." The green head one said blushing as I stared at them. My four years here have taught me to trust my gut especially about Cinder but I let it slide walking past them.

Emerald pov

I was watching (Y/n) walk away. I dont know why but I can't stop staring at him. And i was worried about his arm.

Cinder: "Emerald Hey!" She said snapping her fingers in my face as I stared at her.
Emerald: "Huh? What?"
Mercury: "Oooo does em have a crush on (Y/n)-senpai?" He said trying to imitate me as I glared punching his arm.
Emerald: "Don't be stupid I don't like (Y/n) in the slightest."
Cinder: "Obviously..." She said rolling her eyes letting out a sigh.
Mercury: "Look em it's (y/n) behind you and he is blushing."
Emerald: "What where?!?" I shouted turning around searching for (Y/n) frantically as he laughed. I glared at him again kicking him in the dick. He grabbed his crotch falling over in pain as I laughed.

He just flipped me off as I returned it. I watched him shed a few tears as I stood over him. He glared at me as I returned it happily.

Emerald: "Don't play any more jokes like that. Got it?" I said as he made a whining high pitch squeal. "I will take that as a yes. Now Cinder what did you want?"
Cinder: Oh uh... Its about (Y/n) I don't trust him. It feels like he knows our plans..."
Emerald: "Yeah I got that feeling too... He just seemed like he knew what we were up to by staring at us..."
Cinder: "What year is he? Mercury check for us." She demanded as he pulled out his scroll. He fiddled around with it until he showed it to us. "So he's a fourth year huh? Basically a hunter..."
Emerald: "If he tries and interferes now we might be in trouble..."
Cinder: "Yeah..."

Time skip 2 weeks later emerald pov

I waited outside (Y/n) dorm smiling to myself. As much as I hated Mercury he was right. I fell for (Y/n) at first sight. He was just so demanding and caring. I just felt like he had me wrapped around his fingers. But he never did anything wrong to us he became good friends with all of us.

(Y/n): "Oh hey Em didn't expect to see you waiting out here."
Emerald: "O-Oh well Y-Yeah you know..."
(Y/n): "heh your getting all flustered."
Emerald: "Shut up you idiot." I said blushing looking away as he chuckled ruffling my hair. I gasped slightly looking away red faced.

We walked throughout Beacon talking to one another. It was always so much fun spending time with (Y/n). He was so cool and handsome and calming to be around.

(Y/n): "Come on say it."
Emerald: "No its stupid."
(Y/n): "Please I think it's so adorable when you say it."
Emerald: "F-Fine... (Y/n)-senpai..."
(Y/n): "That is so fucking adorable" he said as I blushed madly looking away resting against him. He didn't move or anything so I smiled then went red as he put his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

Emerald: "W-What are you doing?"
(Y/n): "Well you see I had my suspicions."
Emerald: "About?" I said glaring at him wondering if he found out.
(Y/n): "You and your team... Your not really training to be Hunters are you."
Emerald: "...."
(Y/n): "That answers that but now for this Emerald do you have feelings for me?"
Emerald: "Can't say it's mixed as of now."
(Y/n): "Hmm... Understandable. Well I guess that all. See ya." He said standing up as I grabbed his hand blushing slightly.
Emerald: "What are you gonna do with your info about me and my team?"
(Y/n): "Black mail you all into doing whatever I want."
Emerald: "....that's devious I like it." I said as he smirked walking off offering me a little wave.

I sighed and went back to my dorm saddened and upset. Senpai didn't notice my feelings for him again. I opened the door and trudged in slamming it behind me flopping on my bed.

Mercury: "Did senpai shoot you down again?"
Emerald: "What did I say about calling him senpai?"
Emerald: "THEN STOP CALLING (Y/N) SENPAI THATS MY THING!!" I shouted at him turning over in bed. I really wanted senpai to notice me and my feelings but he never noticed me. I fell asleep sad and upset.

I heard a knocking at the door as I sat up. I looked at the time seeing it was near midnight. I was getting pissed with the nonstop knocking. So I got up and stomped over answering the door. But blushed madly seeing (Y/n) standing there.

(Y/n): "Hey Em I'm here to blackmail you now." He said so casually as I stared at him then sighed.
Emerald: "Fine what is it?"
(Y/n): "I want you to tell me what you want most right now."
Emerald: "I... I..." I blushed madly looking away. "Notice me senpai! Notice how much I love you!" I said as he was silent. I was bright red embarrassed until he lifted my chin up gently pressing his lips against mine. I stared at him as he slowly pulled away smiling.

(Y/n): "There senpai has noticed you and feels the same." He said as I pulled him into the room kissing him. He held me close as we made out slowly getting into my bed cuddling. I was so happy that senpai finally noticed me.

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