A Friends Care (Dark)

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Forewarning mentions and scenes of suicidal intentions and self harm

cat faunus

(Y/n): "Hey babe!"
Yang: "Hey there Mr.Fancy how are you today?" She asks me as I shrug going meh kissing her passionately as she returns it happily causing my tail to sway side to side. "So what you doing?"
(Y/n): "Well I'm going away on a mission soon so I thought I should let you know it's for a few weeks."
Yang: "Well we are hunters and huntresses we have to be able to stay apart from our loves but thanks for telling me." She said as I nodded kissing her head smiling as I waved to the rest of them. They waved back except for Ruby who worried me as my ears flattened against my head. She was the one who always seemed the bubbliest out of them all. But I shrugged it off and went to my locker grabbing my toxin dagger heading to the bullhead. I sat down in the bullhead pulling out my scroll seeing a notification. I checked it seeing it was a message from Yang.

Yang: "Have fun Excalibur come back safely kitty! <3"
(Y/n): "I will don't worry hot head and stop calling me Excalibur!"
Yang: "Why?"
(Y/n): "Cause Its dumb babe why do you even call me that?"
Yang: "Cause it upsets you and you get all huffy about it :3 and it's the name of your semblance!"
(Y/n): "Alright alright love you see you soon ^3^"
Yang: "Love you more! ^3^"

And with that I closer my scroll looking at the empty space surrounding me. Then I thought about what Ruby told me a few days ago.

(Y/n): "Is... Is Yang cheating on me..." I mumbled looking at my dagger seeing the deadly toxins dripping off it. "One... Just one little cut that's all I need..." I said holding the dagger to my wrist preparing to cut but stopped. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind of suicide and cheating. I put the focus of my mind on the task at hand exterminating a colony of Grimm spawns as I clutched my scroll fearing for my life.

Time skip 1 week later

When I was scouting out a possible nest for the Grimm as my scroll vibrated. I looked at it and felt my heart sank. It was a message from Ruby saying sorry and a picture attached. I saw it was Yang making out with my best friend and she was welcoming him. I felt my anger boiling as well as the suicidal tendencies coming back. I texted Ruby to tell Yang we are through and enjoy that fucking douchebag. She didn't respond so I put my scroll away.

I felt the scroll vibrating violently so I knew it was a call but I ignored it shutting my scroll down heading into a cave checking it for Grimm. And behold I found about 15 abnormally large Ursas sleeping. I knew I couldn't beat them with just my dagger so I thought to my semblance.

(Y/n): "Activate Excalibur." I said as armor attached itself to me as skin tight latex wrapped around my body. As the grey and white pieces of armor attached to my body. Once my body was done a dome of white and grey was placed over my head as a horn grew out of my forehead slightly. I formed a handle with one hand placing the other hand over it. "Exalted Blade." I whispered as I pulled my hand back causing a loud shriek to echo through the caves. The ursas looked at me growling but I wasnt scared. Cause you can't scare someone with nothing to lose. I looked at the blade of pure energy in my right hand. That was Exalted Blade a skill I can use. I slashed horizontally as a wave of energy was launched in the same fashion as my attack. It cut through the first few Ursas but dissipated after killing the first few. They rushed me as I pushed my hand against the hand acting as a handle for the sword deactivating it.

(Y/n): "Radial Blind." I said lifting my right hand up as my sword of energy flashed quickly. It let out a dazzling burst of light blinding the ursas. I rushed in with my dagger slitting the throats of about 5 of them as the rest shook their heads regaining their sight. They roared rushing me about to swing down. "Slash Dash..." I said as with great speed sliding past them as I looked back. They all fell over cut in half as I fell to my knees deactivating my semblance coughing up blood. It splattered all over the cavern floor as I stayed my body shaking.

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