A Snow Queens Love

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(Y/n): "Alright so I have the chance but I can't take it..." I said with a sigh slouching down the wall.
Friend: "Your such a sad person. The girl you love is literally at the door yet you won't say anything."
Weiss: "What? Love who loves who?"
(Y/n): "This guy right here..."
Neptune: "Wait who do you love?"
(Y/n): "Not saying you all can speculate while I focus on a battle plan."
Ruby: "Battle plan?"
(Y/n): "Yes now can everyone leave my team's room please?" I asked as they all left leaving me and my team. "I hate you all I really do!"
Friend: "Not our fault your too scared to admit your feelings for her." She said as I sighed nodding in agreement.
(Y/n): "I'm... Im scared alright when your in love with an heiress and come from a small town you get scared."
Best friend: "No everyone would be scared saying how they love someone you have a bigger reason."
(Y/n): "But... I shouldn't be scared I should be confident cause of what happened before..." I said remembering what happened.

Flashback 4 days ago

Ruby: "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Please get your team over here quickly we need help!" She shouted over the scroll as the call ended. I looked at my team as they all nodded as we rushed with others gear ready. I had a greatsword that transformed into a sniper. It was silver and obsidian colored blade with a crimson handle. I grabbed it running to the lift off zone jumping onto a bullhead about to take off. I wasn't waiting around for the next one my biggest concern where my friends and the girl I loved. I waved to my team hanging from Astral Death as I watched my best friend pull out her scroll taking a picture of me. I laughed a little admitting how stupid I must look. Hanging from the lower side of a bullhead by my weapon as it flew over the waters.

But I started focusing on my objective find my friends and secure their escape. I saw some of them fighting and holding their own which made me smile. But all color drained from my face as I saw Weiss injured and bleeding surrounded by Grimm. I felt my eyes twitching in pure rage as my I dislodged my sword from the bullhead impaling a Ursa in the skull setting it ablaze as my sword was entirely obsidian.

(Y/n): "You fucking Grimm hurt her... Now I will make you pay!" I shouted lifting up my sword setting it on fire doing a spinning slash as the fire extended singeing the Ursa. I gripped my handle so hard I felt my knuckle go white as they encompassed us. I saw out of the corner of my eye reaching for Weiss. I slammed the sword down slicing off its arm as it roared. I pulled my sword up switching modes firing a flaming bullet into its skull as it fell over dead. I switched back as another one slashed my back as I turned around stabbing my sword through its face as it gurgled falling over. I spat the blood out of my mouth getting ready for the next attack.

This time it was from behind as a Ursa grabbed Weiss dragging her away as I threw my sword straight through its heart as it stopped dead in its track. I rushed over grabbing Weiss and my sword running to the others. I felt my back in excruciating pain from the slash as I found the rest of my friends. I smiled laying Weiss down turning the Ursas that were left. I walked towards them as they roared rushing me. I slammed the tip of my weapon agaisnt the ground running towards them. I sliced upwards as a pillar of fire erupted infront of me. I got most of them in it but one. Once the pillar settled down it rushed me by surprise knocking me down slashing at my chest. As I gasped in pain before seeing it fall over dead. I looked up seeing Yang behind me smirking as I smiled before passing out.

End flashback

(Y/n): "I rescued her and she knows it but I just can't..."
Friend: "If you dont ask her out then I will." He said as I shot him a death glare. "I'm being serious if you dont start acting someone will take her from you." He said as I looked away knowing he was right.
(Y/n): "But how do I approach her?"
Friend: "Easy you be yourself and tell her how you feel."
(Y/n): "Are you sure?"
Friend: "Yes now go before someone beats you to the punch!" She shouted as I jumped up heading to the door.

I walked out of my room only to be met with Weiss who was bright red as I realized why.
(Y/n): "Y-You were standing there listening the entire time weren't you?" I asked embarrassed as she nodded bright red. I watched my team walk past me saying they needed to grab something as now it was just me and Weiss alone. I welcomed her in blushing as she smiled sitting on my bed as I sat beside her.

Weiss: "So... You love an heiress huh?"
(Y/n): "Y-Yeah..."
Weiss: "What would you do if she loved you back?"
(Y/n): "I... I um would be really happy..."
Weiss: "But what if she didn't return the feelings?"
(Y/n): "...I... I would understand cause she deserves better than some small time guy." I said with a small sigh as she giggled slightly. We stayed silent as I felt she would be upset with me but instead she lightly placed her hand on mine. I blushed looking away as I slowly intertwined my fingers with hers. She didn't move or anything so I figured she was fine with this.

Weiss: "I-I think you need to tell me something (Y/n)."
(Y/n): "I...I don't want to... Im scared..."
Weiss: "You jumped head first into a pack of Ursas after dangling from a bullhead for about 10 minutes. How can this be scary."
(Y/n): "I'm... I'm just scared you will reject me..."
Weiss: "Alright how about this? I won't say anything I will do something instead."
(Y/n): "I... I guess that works... Weiss... I l-love you..." I said blushing madly as she giggled making me look at her. She lightly traced her free hand around the three slash marks from the Ursa. Then she leaned up gently placing her lips on mine closing her eyes as I went bright red gently returning the kiss closing my eyes as well. We stayed like this for a minute before we broke the kiss looking at each other. She was smiling with a blush as I had a small smile red faced.

She giggled pushing me back on my bed getting on top of me. I was bright red as she did this. She smiled pushing my hair out of my eyes before pressing her lips against mine again laying on top of me wrapping her arms around my neck. I returned the kiss wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her closer. We continued kissing going from a gentle kiss to a more passionate kiss as she broke the kiss blushing madly. I smiled softly bright red still as she rested her head against my chest. I slowly ran my fingers through her hair as she nuzzled my neck hugging me tightly. I just blushed holding her closer pulling a blanket over us.

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