Request - Kai Parker "That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt."

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You looked up from the book you were reading. Even though it was one of the most exciting reads you've ever come across, Kai furiously typing on his laptop was somehow distracting. "What the hell are you doing?"

Kai looked up from his screen. He had a frown on his forehead and his eyes were narrowed a little. "I'm googling something."

You closed the book and put it on the table in front of you. "You're googling something? May I ask what you're googling? Because it for sure sounds like you're trying to break that keyboard in half."

Kai sighed and he turned his laptop around so you could see his screen. "I'm searching for something really simple, but this thing doesn't give me an answer!" He raised his voice a little and you stood up from your chair to take the laptop from him.

"Chest pain, burning eyes and a headache." You read the words out loud and stared at the search results. You couldn't help smiling a little when you realized why Kai had not been finding what he had been looking for.

All he got was a list of diseases, but he wasn't looking for a disease. He was looking for an emotion.

"I don't think you will find what you're looking for on google." You gave the laptop back and walked back to your chair. "Most people who experience what you're experiencing now have it for the first time when they're only a few days old." You smiled and Kai stared at you. "It's a very common feeling and it happens a lot, actually."

"You mean there are people who are feeling like this all the freaking time?" He raised his eyebrows and he shook his head. "How do they survive this?" He kept on shaking his head. "It's like something is trying to eat me from the inside out!"

You grinned and you immediately bit your lip because you knew it was far from funny. "The people who experience this all the time get help from doctors and psychologists. Other's just go through it and then it's gone for a little while again."

"So, I'm not gonna die?" Kai cocked his head and you bit your lip again to make sure you wouldn't start laughing. Kai asking questions about things like this was part of the reason why you liked him this much.

"No, you're not gonna die. Unless you're gonna keep trying to fight this feeling." You paused for a moment and swallowed. "You're in pain."

"No! I'm not! Look! I'm perfectly fine!" Kai showed you his arms and legs and you shook your head while rolling your eyes.

"Not in physical pain, in emotional pain." You all of a sudden remembered how his father had yelled something yesterday that had hurt even you.

"I don't want to feel like this! It sucks!" Kai leaned back in his chair and all of a sudden he looked like a small little boy who needed shielding from the outside world.

"That's the thing about pain." You spoke softly. "It demands to be felt." You licked your lips. "You can't simply ignore it, because it's only getting worse if you do."

"Then what do I need to do?" He stared at you and you stood up from your seat again to wrap your arms around him.

"You need to cry and scream and shout for a little while." You pressed him to your chest and your hands went through his hair. "I promise, you'll already feel better right afterwards."

Kai Parker - The Vampire Diaries Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now