Kai Parker - "You may be an idiot, but you're my idiot"

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"Fine, fine, one more song for you all!" Kai smiled brightly while he grabbed the microphone and stared at the screen with the lyrics. He had clearly had more alcohol than even his vampire body could handle, but he seemed to at least enjoy the attention.

"Kai..." You stared at the clock and took a deep breath. "It's past midnight..." You stuck your tongue between your lips. You understood completely why Kai was so happy here in New Orleans, but you had memorized each and every rule Marcel had set. You were, after all, only human.

Kai didn't seem to hear you. He was too busy letting everyone hear that he could sing. He was too busy drinking in the staring glances and admiring looks. He was too busy enjoying himself to the fullest.

Most of your friends weren't too happy that you had fallen in love with him and that somehow he had fallen in love with you. They were afraid that one day he would hurt you, by accident or not. And they were afraid that even though there was a glimpse of humanity shining through his sociopathic behavior, he would eventually lose his mind again.

You knew that actually you should be afraid of all of that too, but somehow you weren't. When you were around Kai you felt safe. You knew that he could be explosive and even violent, but you also knew that most of the time it was because someone tried to get to you, tried to hurt you, tried to harm you.

"Well, well..." A pair of strong hands grabbed your shoulders and someone pressed his chest to your back. "Don't you look tasty."

You stiffened and you held your breath while you stared at the vampire on stage. "Kai!" You whispered his name, but this time he turned his head towards you and his eyes widened.

"Excuse me, this appearance has to come to an abrupt end. Someone is trying to eat my girlfriend." Kai dropped the microphone on the floor and jumped of the stage. He used his magic to push the vampire away from you and then he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"If she's off limit, she shouldn't be here." The vampire pushed himself up again. His eyes were dark and the veins in his face were clearly visible. "It's past midnight. Every human not safely inside is fair game for everyone." He seemed to have more than a few friends agreeing with him and you tensed all your muscles when you noticed that they had surrounded you.

"This doesn't look good..." Kai followed your glance and he stuck his tongue between his lips. "We'll get through this, I promise." He didn't look at you, but kept his eyes on the vampires around you, ready to do something, anything whenever one of them would come too close. "Wrap your arms around me."

You did what he asked and you felt how your body was shivering and how his heart was racing in his chest. You frowned your eyebrows when you saw the confusion on all the vampire faces. "What did you do?"

"A cloaking spell." Kai lifted you up and smoothly he jumped over a few vampires and headed towards the door. It took him less than a few minutes to get you safely to the hotel room where he placed you on the bed. "Stay here."

"Stay here?" You looked up at him and shook your head. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill them. I'm going to kill them all." Kai already turned around, but you grabbed his wrist and forced him to turn back to you. "Don't leave me behind." Your eyes met his and you felt your chest moving up and down. "I don't want to be alone right now."

"You don't want them to pay for what they've done?" Kai sat down on the edge of the bed and shook his head.

"If we would have gone home before midnight, like Marcel had told us, there wouldn't have been a problem, but you wanted to sing one more song and one more and one more..."

"O my...I'm an idiot, am I?" Kai bent his head and he grabbed your hand to rub your knuckles.

"You may be an idiot, but you're my idiot." You curled your lips up into a smile. "Don't go back to kill them, okay? It will only make Marcel angry and I don't want to lose you. Stay here, with me and tomorrow we'll leave town. I'm sure they have more karaoke bars in the world and I'm sure most of them don't have a midnight curfew for humans."

Kai Parker - The Vampire Diaries Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now