Kai Parker - "Come here. Let me fix it."

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"Damn it!" You cursed while you stared at your reflection in the mirror. After being at war with your hair for at least half an hour, you were now fighting with your necklace. "Stupid thing! Just click!" You hissed between your teeth and you took another deep breath before you tried it again, but your fingers were simply trembling too much.

"Come here. Let me fix it." Kai held out his hand and you walked towards him and turned around. His hands were steady and calm and within a few seconds the necklace was around your neck. "Take a deep breath." Kai turned you around and he placed his hands on your shoulders. "Anyone who wouldn't pick you, would be an idiot." His eyes met yours and you nodded.

There were quite a few idiots in the world. It wouldn't be the first time that one of those idiots would be in charge of deciding on whether or not someone would get the internship.

"And if they don't pick you because they are an idiot, I always have some methods to change that." Kai smirked. Even though you had told him at least a thousand times that you didn't want him to use compulsion to get something done for you, he didn't seem to listen.

"We've talked about this..." You whispered, but Kai rolled his eyes and his grip on your shoulders tightened.

"I know. Something with unfair advantage, manipulation, free will, blabla, boring arguments, blabla, more nonsense, blabla..." Kai shook his head and he grabbed your chin to force you to look up at him. "What's the fun of those vampire powers if I can't use them to get my girlfriend to get that internship she wants so badly?"

"It's just not fair towards the others, Kai." You took a deep breath and you avoided his glance. The last thing you wanted right now was ending up in a fight. You were already nervous enough. "Maybe they are amazing and deserve this internship too!"

"Tss, as if anyone can ever be as amazing as you are!" Kai pressed a kiss on your forehead.

"Kai Parker, just because you don't have the urge to kill me, like you have with everyone else, it doesn't mean I'm the most amazing person in the world. Newsflash. I'm not."

"I can make everyone believe you are? I don't think it would even be that hard. I just compel a few important people, make them tell it on television or write it down in the tabloids and I'm sure everyone would believe them within a few weeks!" A scary kind of excitement was reaching his eyes, implying that there was a part of him seriously considering doing this.

"No, Kai Parker, no. You're not going to do that." You sighed and you shook your head. "If I promise that if that internship doesn't work out because of some stupid reason you can fix it, will you please let that whole plan of yours to make me the most amazing woman in the world go?"

"I'll think about it." Kai kissed your lips and he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "But only if you let me fix this whole thing if that internship doesn't work out. Even if it's because of a so called good reason, which I can't imagine."

"Fine, but let's see if I can do it on my own first."

Kai Parker - The Vampire Diaries Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now