Kai Parker - "Please, don't shut me out."

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He was staring into nowhere. He had his eyebrows frowned and his knuckles were almost white while he squeezed his own hands over and over again.

"Kai? Is everything okay?" You walked towards him, but it was as if he didn't hear you, as if he didn't see you, as if he wasn't even in this room. "Kai? What happened?" You placed a hand on his shoulder, but he didn't seem to feel it.

He had come home a couple of hours ago, mumbling something about having to look something up. He had not said anything, he had not explained anything. He had just turned the pages of an old spell book until he had frozen as if he had lost all ability to move.

"Kai Parker!" You raised your voice and tightened your grip. "Please, don't shut me out." You shook your head and let out a relieved sigh when all of a sudden Kai started to move. "What happened? What did you find?"

Kai looked up at you. His eyes were filled with something you had never seen before. He was afraid. Kai Parker, the siphoner without emotions, the self proclaimed sociopath, the man who didn't feel anything, was afraid.

"You can trust me, Kai." You kneeled down next to his chair and you placed your hand on his leg. "I know that I can't always understand everything you say, but you can trust me and I'll be there for you. You don't have to do all of this on your own."

Kai seemed to have a hard time believing you. No matter how often you repeated that you were with him, that you would always have his back, that you would never leave his side, he always seemed to think that you were just like everyone else. He always seemed to fear that at some moment you would run away and would never come back.

You wouldn't. But you had also discovered it wasn't easy to live with him.

At some moments, when he allowed the qualities of Luke to shine through, he could be sweet and understanding, but also overwhelmed by all those emotions he had never felt before. At other moments he was completely in control over his sensitive counterpart and played morbid games without seeming to understand why no one wanted to play along.

"So, tell me, what's going on?" You spoke softly and you looked up so your eyes could meet his. "Please? Say at least something?" You licked your lips. "Anything?"

"Bonnie was working on a spell with the twins. I heard the spell and I already thought that I've heard it before and..." He took a deep breath. "Bonnie is helping the twins to create a prison world for me..." He swallowed and shook his head. "I don't want to go there. You have to promise me that I won't go there!" He grabbed your shoulders and you curled your fingers around his wrists.

"O Kai..." You let out a deep sigh. "I'll do whatever I can to keep Bonnie away from you. I promise."

"You don't know what it's like. You don't know what it's like to repeat the same day over and over, to never meet anyone, to have to travel further and further away to find your favorite brand of potato crisps."

"It won't happen again." You pushed yourself up and pressed a kiss on his lips. "Not unless she goes through me first."

Kai Parker - The Vampire Diaries Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now