Kai Parker - "You are my sunshine"

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Your fingers trembled when you tried to find your phone in the pocket of your jeans. Your hands were covered in blood and you could feel the liquid rolling down your neck. "Kai..." You dialed his number and tried to stay calm while you waited for his voice.

"(Y/N)? Is everything okay?"

"No..." You let out a deep breath. "Someone bit me. I'm bleeding."

"Where are you?" Kai almost screamed in the phone and you moved the phone away from your ear.

"I'm hiding behind the Mystic Grill to make sure no one sees me." You felt the tears burning in your eyes and you fell down on the ground with your back pressed to the wall.

"Don't go anywhere. I'll be right there."

You had barely gotten the chance to put your phone away when Kai appeared in front of you.

He kneeled down and he pressed his hand to your neck. "Who did this to you?"

You shrugged your shoulders. Everything had happened so fast that you had not seen the guy, or the girl, you weren't even sure about that.

"Let me fix you first and then I'll go find whoever has done this so I can stake them." He used his own fangs to bite his wrist and he pressed his arm to your lips.

You had lost count of how often Kai had had to give you his blood already. You had known from the beginning that dating Kai wouldn't be easy, that he had a lot of enemies and that they would all want to hurt you. You had however not really gotten used to it yet. "And what if you kill that vampire and someone wants revenge?" You trembled even though you could already feel the wound in your neck healing. "It's a never ending circle, Kai. You kill them, someone who loved them tries to kill me, you kill them and so on and so on."

"What do you want me to do?" Kai shook his head. "Do you want me to let them get away with this? Do you want me to simply let it go? Do you want me to accept that someone hurt the only person in the world I actually care about?" He licked his lips. "You are my sunshine, (Y/N)! You are the only good thing in a world full of hatred and darkness. You are the one thing that keeps me from killing people who are totally innocent. You are the only one who can give me the feeling that even a monster and abomination like me can be loved."

You had never seen Kai cry before, but right now a tear was rolling down his cheek. While your lips curled up into a smile you used your thumb to wipe the tear away. "Please, don't cry." You spoke softly. "I'm not going anywhere and I'm not dead yet." You paused for a moment and you realised how the sociopath that could terrify each and every one was sometimes nothing but a boy longing to be held and loved. "And I'm not planning on dying anytime soon, I promise."

Kai Parker - The Vampire Diaries Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now