Request - Kai Parker "Charms" (Harry Potter AU)

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"Y/N! Stop looking at him! He's in Slytherin, you shouldn't even be checking him out, ok? Besides... he's bad news, everybody knows that! You should stay away from him!" Your friend was frantically whispering in your ear, trying to make you stop looking at Kai.

You didn't want to. He was way too cute for that, and besides... he was looking at you as well. With a wink you turned away, back to your breakfast that you stabbed a few times with your fork.
"So what if he's a Slytherin? They're not all bad. Ok, he probably is, but still... he's cute. Evil incarnate maybe, but cute..."

"I heard that...", a sing song voice sounded behind you. A voice that was accompanied by a grin that never seemed to disappear. Kai was looking down at the both of you.
"It doesn't matter what your friends says, Y/N. I'll get you anyway. You know you want it.", He added with a wink. "See you in Charms." He didn't even wait until you replied, but he sauntered off while both of you were looking after him.

"You see?", your friend immediately started again when Kai was clearly out of sight. "He's really not good for you. He doesn't even care what you want. Don't go for it, ok? Just stay away."

You shook your head. "You don't get to decide what I want and what not. He knows I want him, that's why it doesn't matter. And I'm going to get him as well. Shouldn't be too hard." He had basically admitted he wanted you as well. You'd find a way to get over the whole Slytherin-Gryffindor thing. It was old fashioned anyway.
You ignored your friend on your way to charms. You didn't need more warnings, you didn't need more nagging about how bad he was. You knew his reputation. It only made you more curious about him. When you got to class you already spotted him and deliberately sat in front of him, giving him enough opportunity to talk to you if he wanted.

"I see you have a mind of your own? That's my girl... You even dared to sit in Slytherin territory. Brave... but well, that's what you're famous for, aren't you?" He started teasing you the moment you sat down. And he was right...

When you looked around you, you saw you were sitting between the Slytherin, with Gryffindor massively on the other side of the classroom, your friend still trying to get you to join them. You shook your head, only to turn around slightly.
"I'm not afraid of a few snakes, Kai. Nor of you, if you thought that."

"Not even when I'm evil incarnate, as you called me earlier?" He smirked when he said that.

Shit... so he had heard every part of what you said there.

Which meant he had also heard...
"But well... I guess cute trumps evil. How about I show you a few tricks with my wand after class?"

You turned around completely, forgetting you were in class.
"What's wrong with now?"

That made him laugh.
"Impatient huh? Well... I don't think mr. Flitwick would really agree with them. And I don't care that much what he thinks of me, but I don't feel much for being expelled..."

"Mr. Parker. Ms. Y/L/N. I'm pretty sure there are more fascinating subjects than a Hardering Charm, but you will be in trouble if you don't pay attention now."

You turned around, cheeks flushing. You had totally forgotten about Flitwick by now, but you still muttered something back to Kai.
"You're on."

Kai Parker - The Vampire Diaries Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now