Chapter 2

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Not a second after you step into your house's foyer, a piercing screech reaches your ears. Muddled at first, mom clearly up the stairs but heard the door click shut, somehow. You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose before letting out a breath.

Opening your eyes, you see your mom scramble down the last steps. Her dress ill-fitted and hair burnt by many times trying to make a decent hairstyle with her thin hair. The two-story house with marbled tile floors and high, wooden rafters seems to elegant for a family like yours to live in. Sure, you're well-off, comfortable beyond a thought, but you guess you expected different from your England flat. But it is just the same. And perhaps, the change you desperately wanted isn't a change at all.

"Where have you been?" father comes out from the kitchen, an apron around his neck and waist.

"I came straight home after school?"

Mom huffs, "Well then, why is it already 6:00?"

"Oh?" you look at the clock, and sure enough, far too long has passed before you said you'd be home when you left in the morning.

You shake your head, "I swear I came straight home! Time flew I guess."

"Okay-" dad relents.

Mother cuts in, "you're grounded."

"Fine," you nod. "Fine."

You've never been grounded before, but you can see it in their eyes. The reason why you moved, the reason they're so conscious, the reason behind everything that has happened in the past few months- it's all your fault. You take off your shoes and brush past your mom, up the stairs and to the left, to your bedroom. Closing the door, you throw your backpack somewhere in the room and slide down the door. Knees to chest and head in hands, only monitored breathing fill the quiet room.

The shades still closed, too tired from stressing about the first day that you didn't get any sleep and never opened the shades to let the early morning light in. You look down at the beige carpet and the bed far off the ground that little you would be terrified that monsters could be living underneath. Mellow blue walls and a desk with a laptop you forgot to bring to class, but it's American school, so you didn't know it was allowed or not.

You sigh, pulling out your phone, looking up the closest gym near you: boxing gym. Within the quick search, you find one a few miles away. You get up, and make your way over to one of the unopened boxes. You fully haven't digested this is your new home. Can it really be called home, ever?

Hauling your gloves out of one of the boxes, you put them in your gym bag- along with a few other accessories. You set it off in the corner, still not certain you want to sneak out tonight- espically after the fresh grounding. Are you even allowed to go out when grounded? No, right?

"Dinner's ready," dad knocks on your door.

"Alright, I'll be down in a second."


Dinner passed and the hand on the clocks keeps whirling around the circle, so fast. You really came home at 6pm? Three hours after school ended? How'd that happen? You barely remember anything from the day, that your heart pounds. Was it happening again?

It's 12:00 and you still weren't asleep. Every time you try to, these thoughts made you wake up to think about it again. But slowly, when all your thoughts were thought out, you drift into a fitful sleep.



You jolt forward, hand slipping from your chin. Looking around, the bright lights pierce your head, sending needles of pain into your skull. The room falls silent, and the teacher starts his lecture. You shake yourself awake, relaxing into the chair, with deep breaths, focusing on staying aware.

"How'd you even fall asleep that fast," bro sunglasses snickers.

You roll your eyes, "the question is: how did you not fall asleep?"

In the corner of vision, a light blush spread across his pale face. You raise a brow, it was not the best comeback ever, but seemingly it worked to get a reaction out of him? Interesting. You guess he's a lot more expressive than his brother. The lack of sunglasses helped- well, the fact that they were pushing his hair back and not over his face, helped. You can see his brown eyes that almost looked a dark red. 

He notices that you saw his blush, and now, he looks like he is going to rip your eyes out. You take that a sign to look straight ahead. Ain't no way you're taking hits today, no. Never. Sure, you could knock him on his ass, but it is certainly not the move to do so. Just stay meek and he won't try anything, don't provoke him. Last time....

A hand grabs your wrist from your lap. He squeezes, hard. Tears spring to your eyes, he has such a strong grip, one that you hadn't thought possible for someone like him. Scrawny arms and laid-back personality, 'fuck-it' attitude where when you had ran into him, he hadn't even looked your way. So why now, did he go as far as hurting you?

Regardless, you won't let him get to you- even if it hurt. You've been through worse, a lot worse. That the pain radiating up your arm is a piece of cake compared to what you've been through. You tug your arm back, but he doesn't let go. Well, at least you tried.

"Miss {L/N} are you listening?" the teacher asked annoyed.

"Of course she is Mister Landon," the boy covered quickly.

What the hell was he up to?

"She's just a little dazed that we are dating and holding hands," he quickly intertwined our fingers and lifted our hands.

The pain of moving your arm was unbearable but you held back your tears and screams.

Kids laughed.

You ripped your hand away from his and quietly hissed at him,"You son of a bi-"

"Miss {L/N} you know the rules. No romantic moves in class, please go to the principal's office."

You did know that rule. You memorized it like the rest of them.

"But Mister Landon-" you got cut off.

"Go now. Mister Strider will walk you there so you can talk about your relationship on the why there," Mister Landon smirked at the last half.

Strider! Aha! Last name- check. Strider blushed pure red as he got up and took you arm and led you out of the room.

When you were out in the hallway you giggled,"Didn't go as wanted?"

Strider grunted and pinned you to the nearest wall. Lifting your arms about your head. Pain rushed through your arm.

"Don't. Get. On. My. Nerves."

"Ohh I am SOO sorry..." you exaggerated.

Strider pushed his body against yours. You squeaked in surprise; you never had a boy this close. You felt his breath on your neck. Actually you've never had your first kiss either- wait, why were you thinking about a kiss?

"P-please get away from me" you stammered.

"Give me one good reason girly."

"Uh wait what, a reason?" you mockingly thought, "Shit. Oh I don't know, maybe because I hate you!"

At first you didn't know what was happening but then you realized he was KISSING YOUR NECK. Gah! You pushed him away with all your might.

"Stay away from me!" you almost yelled and rushed to the principal's office (although you didn't k kw where that was so you went to find someone who did. In the end, you found the office so yay).


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