Chapter 8

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Forget going after John. It was pitch black outside and he left about ten minutes ago. There was no way you could catch him by now. You just lost a very good friend and a boyfriend today. Your heart was destroyed and tears were dried. Tomorrow was school. The first day after spring break.

_ Le Time skip by Creeping Karkat Vantas_

You woke up as your alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. Damn it! Why did school exist?!? You quickly got up and went to your closet. You got your outfit you planned last night.

A pair of white converse, a (F/C) sweatshirt with a tank under and finally a pair of normal pale blue, ripped jeans. You put your ugly hair into a messy bun and looked at your in a mirror. You looked terrible and felt terrible inside as well.

_Another Time Skip!??!_

As you entered the school building, you noticed something. Then you realized: you don't have John and his friends or Sollux and his gang. Without your friends, you were alone just like the first day of school. Also like the first day, you felt horrible. Thankfully you weren't getting bullied because your old friends scared them away already, but you never knew, your bullies might come back.

"(F/N)!(F/N)!" someone shouted behind you, and then a hand touched your shoulder.

You knew that touch and voice but now it was desperate.

"Sollux.... I-I.... Why?" You finally just said as you turned around.

"(F/N), I am sorry! It was a one time thing! Please forgive me!" Sollux cried.

A huge student body surrounded you guys now as you talked about what occurred.

"I-I can't, go with Feferi. You guys are a better couple anyways. Please just leave me alone, you player." You added the last jeer to show him how hurt you were.

Some kids booed and some cheered, saying 'dump him'. Something bright red and orange
caught your eye. You saw Dirk and Dave strider in the crowd, smirking. Fury bubbled in your chest. They had no right to laugh during a sad time like this. A bubble burst and you did something you thought you'd never do.

You walked up to the strider twins and asked harshly, "What are you two smiling about!?"

Even the sudden change of my attitude the striders showed no emotions.

"Oh. Nothing sweety. Just looking at the dramatic showing you are putting on," the elder twin, Dirk, smiled.

"Dramatic!?!" you nearly yelled.

Were you on your period of something?! You felt like you were on a hormonal rampage.

"See here little Missy," Dirk said in a southern drawl, "You put on a show that everyone was watching and yet you are only remarking on us?"

You opened your mouth but nothing came out. The twins had a good point but you still hated them or did you? Mainly you got butterflies in your stomach whenever they were close but of course it was only hatred butterflies, right?

---Me time skip when first period starts---

You groaned as the teacher assigned new chairs. Each table group had four seats, two by two.

As the teacher said your name in a group of three, not four, you knew you were doomed. You had to sit next to Sollux and....
and John. This was the final sitting arrangements for the year. No no no no. Please no!


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