Chapter 12

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Your P.O.V.

You fell asleep thinking about the heartthrob: Dave. The one who stole your heart and hasn't given it back, so you couldn't give it to someone else and move on from him. Until he gave your heart back, you were going to be nonstop thinking about him which sucked (even though he was literally an angel transported into a human).

Your dream was the best thing ever! You and Dave kissed and it felt so real!
But you sighed into your fluffy pillow, completely drained from focusing on every bit of Dave.

A loud thudding noise woke you up from your peaceful dream.  Someone pried your eyes open and you came face to face with your ugly, beastly mother.

"What do you want?!" you hissed out.

"(F/N)!" You mother said harshly,"respect the one who raised you."

"You didn't do too good of a job of it," you snort.

"There is someone to see you" your mother said and ignored the subject of her being a terrible parent.

"Wait... who?!" you ask with exitment.

Maybe this person could get you out of this hellhole for awhile. It would be nice. Getting away from your parents. Wow. You though you'd never say that. When you were younger your parents were the sweetest, now see what they've turned into. Back then, before all the hitting and yelling, before you were mentally destroyed by your parents, before you fell hard for someone who'd just smash you, and leave, you were actually happy.

Anyways enough for the heart felt moment. No one cared about it not even you because you need to harden up and stop pitying yourself like a child who just closed a car door on their finger. You ran down the stairs to the living room and raced to the front door. You halted just behind your father because the person you saw made butterflies in your stomach but also made you want to rewind.

"D-dave what are you doing here?!" You sutter in your natural British accent.

Well shit.

"(F/N)" Dave replied with a smirk and then a small nod of his head like he was a celeb and you were some fan.

"(F/N), this boy Dave, is a marvelous young man whom just asked to go out with you. I'd usually say no to but the fact that he personally came to me and asked to take you out made him an equal, so how could I say no?"

"Thank you father for letting me go with Dave" you hung your head low so no one could see the smile you were hiding since you could get away for awhile, yet the only problem was the person who was talking you out was Dave.

Dave, fucking, Strider. A guy who you didn't want to talk to but wanted kiss him all over his face.

"Come on (F/N), let's go" Dave said strictly and grabbed your wrist tightly.

You bit your lip to stop from crying out. It hurt because your father twisted that certain wrist, and it felt like it was broken but fortunately nothing ACTUALLY seemed out of place. Dave held his car door open for you once you guys reached his car. You silently pulled the door close.


After you'd been driving for a bit, Dave asked the question you dreaded the most.

"(F/N), why didn't you tell me?!"


Dave X Reader X DirkWhere stories live. Discover now