Chapter 17

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(I have been writing alot and now my writing might seem a bit better and now it will be 'I' instead of 'You'. I think that is just easier to under and be the person and easier to write as well)

Dave's P.O.V.

I caressed her pale, unmoving cheek; I cried. I didn't stop and I didn't cover up my pain like an actual cool kid would. I continued to cry. I cried because I realized she was my everything. I cried because we could've been something. I cried because she might not be live anymore. Then I'd be alone.

I watched her intently. Her heartbeat was barely moving and a harsh sensation made me gasp. The sensation was saying: "She's gone. Gone forever, gone from you".

This could not be happening! (F/N) could not be slipping out of my grasp. I needed her.

And yet, she was. Every hour and every minute and even down to the very second passing by right now, she was drifting farther and farther away. She had endured everything that I couldn't imagine possible. I adored her face, her hands, her lips, just her and her sassy ways of putting people in their place even though at home.... at home her life is destroyed by the people who gave her life.

She was losing all it now. I knew it. I kept the thought at bay. I would lose my everything, the girl that one day I'd hoped to call mine, but now that wish was dwindling and dying. The fire inside me was dying and now she was dying.

Her heart monitor beeped loudly and became a straight line. I cried out in anguish, calling for someone, anything to keep her alive. Although doctors had arrived, they looked depressed. My eyes closed in submission and I was pushed away by the doctors. I plopped myself onto the ground and cried between my knees.

These cries weren't silent, no they were far from silent. I sounded like an animal mourning for something they could never have. I sobbed and yelled. I yelled out her name, screaming and cursing her name. She left me.


Your P.O.V

Again I was shoved into  complete darkness after I had seen that fly sight of the love of the two teenage ripped apart. I didn't pity the girl, I bet she is off in a better place. I pitied the boy for all I was worth. It was obvious that he loved her so much.

And now he was left alone with no one to guide him. No one to help him through bad times or not. No one to kiss him before bed. No one to love him like the girl probably had. If I was that girl and having a lover like that...

I-I'd fight for him. Only him. Not for myself that was dying. I'd fight for his love, his touch and to see his eyes light up when I said just the right thing. I would do anything to help him. I wanted him to laugh a beautiful laugh when I did something stupid.

I wanted him to be the happiest boy on earth but I could not do that since it was not my love that I would be fighting for. Not my love that I would  ever receive. I would never look into his eyes without those sunglasses covering them. I would never make him enjoy life like he was suppose to be doing right now.


I pondered, in the nothingness of the void, about the couple. I thought it over and it seemed like days. Days of torture of not knowing where I was. I drifted off; into a sleep of the same exact, dark, lifeless world.


I opened my eyes. Bright, piercing light met my eyes in a battle of 'be blind or not'. It was extremely hard to open my eyes and when I did I saw two boys with super blonde hair sleeping in two different chairs.

"H-hel" I cleared my dry throat and started over, trying to properly greet these strangers.

"H-Hello" I managed to whisper with a high, soft, voice.

I smiled at my lovely sounding voice. I smiled at everything around me until I noticed I was in a hospital gown on a hospital bed. None of the boys stirred, so I tried again.

"Hello?" I said without stuttering and a little louder but still in my new soft voice.

I wondered what I looked like, I wondered my name. I wondered my age, my height, what had happened in my life. I wondered about pretty much everything that was going on. I wondered about who I was and what I was known for.

I wondered my status in school, if I went to school. I wondered what city we were in. I wondered about these boys. I wondered-

"(F/N)?!" One boy with anime, pointy sunglasses almost screamed.

"(F/N)?" I said clueless.

This definitely wasn't my name but it seemed to fit. It seemed that these boys knew me.

"Do you remember anything?!" The boy said in a cool, boy, tone that was somewhat sarcastic but he smiled sweetly down at me.

"Um.... No I do not remember anything" I stated, a bit confused by each one of them

"Oh shit, shit, shit-" The smart boy muttered under his breath then yelled for the doctors.

About four of them rushed into my room. They asked me questions that I answered truthfully. I didn't know any of them. It was all to much and I just nodded through the doctors telling me that I lost all memory.

They didn't tell me anything about my past and just told me that I lived these boys named Dave and Dirk Strider. Twins. Not identical but really close. My name was (F/N) (L/N) and I was 15.

I was a freshmen that skipped all the way to junior year in high school. I groaned  inwardly. I was the school nerd apparently. I guessed that Dave and Dirk were the popular, slut swarmed, heartthrobs of the school.

They were seniors and the school year was off on winter break. I loved winter and snow but then realized that we were in Texas. I groaned in despair. Nothing was what I wanted. At least I was pretty, smart, good personality from what the twins told me and had a soft voice.

Lovely, lovely, lovely. I was stuck with two boys that I had forgotten and they knew something that I didn't.

I began to wonder again.

Did they do this to me?


Dave X Reader X DirkWhere stories live. Discover now