Chapter 18

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Your P.O.V.

I pushed out that outrageous thought out of my already jumbled mind. Those boys seemed so concerned about my health.

Well maybe they were just about themselves being the purpose of a teenage girl's death- A voice resounded in my head

No, they definitely couldn't be like that. I mean they were taking me in even though I probably was taken in by them a long time ago but what did I know? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Not even a shred of recognition came to me when I looked at anyone.

I sighed as I realized that I had to walk a tons of fleets of stairs to get the apartment. I jogged up them with Dave and Dirk beside me. I was a little out of breath but I was going to live! Opening the door, Dave, showed me my room and my clothes.


It seemed that I had a good fashion taste but something was a bit off. Every piece of clothing was brand-new and some had tags on them. Did I actually live with these boys?! I started to panic but I would wait until one of them showed any signs of a raper.

Yes, I did think of that. I mean I was just a weak little girl and they, they were basically grown men! 15 year old against two 17 year olds, almost 18?! No way I stood any chance, but as I said before I would give them a chance. I wouldn't even mention the clothes.

I laid in my bed and closed my eyes.

- Time skip to the morning back from winter break-

I yawned as my new alarm went off in a screeching noise that totally woke me up if not the entire apartment complex. I hit the off button and discarded all my clothes once I got to the bathroom. I finished my shower in quiet a good mood.

Today is try out my super brain! I couldn't wait! I threw on some ripped, skinny jeans as well as a lace top that showed off a bit of skin but not enough for discomfort. I applied makeup but a little because it made my pores feel stuffy.

I wondered what everyone would think of me. Had the school told everyone about my condition? Even though forgetting everything was quiet embarrassing I still didn't want to say that I lost my memory a million times.

I walked down the stairs down to the living room where the twins yelling at me to hurry up and get into the car. I slipped my combat boots that were black with white outline. I raced down the fleets of stairs with the boys and ran into the car.


We got to our different classes just in time and I smiled as I looked at the teacher at the front. I felt eyes all around me and I glanced and saw junior boys lustily looking at me.

Eeeew! I wasn't that pretty!!!! I jerked my head straight forward but now heard whispers between classmates.

"Who knew once you lost your memory you'd become pretty!"

"Hey look at the freshman chick"

"Didn't she loose her memory? Well it seems like she didn't loose her smarts"

I felt super uncomfortable but looked at the board only to find the easiest stuff written on it. Some mumbled that this was too hard or too much work. I just smirked at the idiots and scribbled down notes that I DIDN'T even need.

Wow. Who knew being a junior would be so easy! I could literally do this stuff all day. The bell dinged and I groaned and got the last of the notes down. Running to my next class in which I had no idea where it was I somehow managed to ask some senior that looked somewhat familiar.

He pointed to a class and said to was my class as well as his. I took his word and the teacher seemed to be pleased that I actually made it on time. I smiled at the boy with tan skin and green eyes now seating in the back as I took a place at the front.

Did I know him? He didn't give a name.......

Dave X Reader X DirkWhere stories live. Discover now