Chapter 10

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Your lips landed softly on Dave's. The kiss was magical and lovely. Your lips moved sync and you couldn't get enough of it. Soon you did have to separate but fortunately, to your surprise, Dave smashed his lips on yours again.

This was your first kiss and now maybe first make out session. Dave lips were so plump. You felt Dave hands go up your shirt. Dave fingers traced your sides and then a thought came to your mind. You were basically going to have sex on the ground of a school.
(Innocent you, it doesn't work like that.)

You pulled and away and Dave growled.

"Why'd you do that (F/N)?" Dave asked, hungrily.

"Dave this isn't right" you simply stated.

"I don't care" retorted Dave.

Dave crashed his lips back onto yours. All his gentleness from before had vanished.

"Dave. STOP!" you said furiously.

"I thought you wanted me!" Dave said, clearly hurt.

"I never said that! You are just assuming that! I just fell and you! You pulled me down! That does not mean I like you, Strider" you spat out his name.

"B-but you kissed back!" Dave stuttered.

"And?" you knew you were getting a little too sassy and mean but you could help it.

Dave's P.O.V.
(Bet you weren't expecting that)

You couldn't believe what you were hearing coming out of (F/N)'s mouth. She was totally making a wreck of you! You thought she had feelings for you but you guessed not anymore. Or did she have any for you in the first place?

You lightly pushed her off of you and got up. Leaving her on the ground and made your way to the door.

---Time skippy doo---

Once you got home, you lost your cool and started bawling. The girl of your dreams just dissed you. There was no way, in the first place, that she would like you but you still tried to get her to crush on you.
But apparently true love doesn't exist and it was all in your mind.

"Why!?!?" you screamed into your pillow.

After your fit, you realized that you had to move on even though you were always going to have a spot in your heart for (F/N). You had to pick yourself up and remake Dave Strider stronger and better than the old Dave.

Nothing was going to bring you down. You fell once and picked yourself up and you definitely weren't going to do it again because you were strong now. Stronger than you ever were.

Goodbye (F/N).


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