Chapter 20 (Ending)

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Years had passed since I left the two brothers. I don't quiet remember their names but it didn't matter anymore. They didn't have anything do to with my life anymore. I didn't owe them anything whatsoever. I never did.

Looking back on it now, my life really didn't start until I lost my memories. I never got my memories back. 

I felt that my life was definitely missing a piece but all have that, right? I'm no different from a high school girl being rejected. The hurt. The lies. I don't know anymore but I've grown. I might've been different if all these events jaunt happened.

If I want a typical depressed girl. Everyone nowadays think that they are, but do the feel the true heart break? Having everything be a fabricated lie from the very beginning. I don't know because my life has always been shot, so yeah.

I said it. I'm past it. My story might've ended abruptly and quietly. No action but this is what all life is like. Nothing ever happens if you run away. I know that now.

Maybe I do regret running, fleeing from what would've been but what I did might've been the best way. Who knows. I'm motionless when it comes to my past.

I have nothing to remember. I'm just a girl, living on her own, trying to make a difference.

I only have an inkling what the brothers did. I know they ruined my previous life. I want it back. I don't remember my parents. I heard that they abused me. I heard many things. I don't most of my old friends. Did I even have any?

See I can't even remember that. The doctors and police as well as other people shared what had happened in my life. I learned that the brothers were nothing but assholes. I hate them now.

Maybe I did love them once before, but I cannot forgive and forget. I do believe that is something that has always stayed with me.

They cannot just lie straight to my face. I will live the way I wanted to before I even met the brothers.

... Sigh..

I can do this...



I smack my hand against my forehead, "God damn it! So eins mist! Fuck!  Putas!"

"You alright miss?" the taxi driver asks.

"Noooo"  I groan.

So what I've been fired from five jobs. I absolutely suck at talking to people. Being public service. It was so infuriating. The bitches at my late job had fired me because I couldn't strip properly. Yes, I tried to be a stripper for a few months.

I needed the money and college completely washed me out. I used my parents last currency to make a school life. I managed four years. A bachelor's in business. Don't know why, though.

I mean, I tried for a stripper job so that diploma didn't help much. I got a interview at the famous D&D company. It recently hit fame over the past years. It was the place everyone wanted to work at. They were working on the brain and manufacturing different objects to help humans. Some rumors say that they're making robots but that's hard to believe.

The pay is definitely good and I bet I could manage a few months before getting fired. I booked a nice interview with one of the actual owners. I don't remember the name though. Too bad, it'll come to me.

The taxi suddenly stops in front of a huge building. Many stories tall and beautifully structured. I slip out and pay the driver.

Pulling down my pencil skirt with a slit up my thigh, I walked to the front desk. I felt many pairs of eyes on me. I roll mine own, this always happens.

I'm apparently attractive and have a nice body. Perfect dream partner for anyone. I don't  think I'm all that.

"Ms. (L-N) checking in for my appointment"

The male worker stared for a second and shook his head, "Yes, yes! Ah! Right here, thirtieth floor and last door to your right. Just knock, his waiting for you"

I nod thankfully and make my way to the elevator and push the button up. The box was comfortable. Metal walls, cleaned to perfection. It wad the best.


I take a breath in and walk done the hallway. More stairs. Making me even more nervous for my interview. I see the door.

Ten feet.

Five feet.

I'm here. Oh no. I can't do this...

"You got this" I say.

That doesn't help and on impulse I knock once but loudly.

"Come in"

That voice..

I know that..

It's a lot deeper..

I shove the door open and stare in horror at the face in front of me. My new boss. At least one of them. And I almost ran out.

Not again...

"Hello, sweetheart"


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