Chapter 13

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"W-what do you mean?" you stuttered.

How did he know?!

He could not possibly know. He was asking about something else, you reassured yourself. Yet the stone hard face, jaw clenched, facing forward, straight back, eyes (probably narrowed under his black sunglasses), told you he knew.

"{F/N}!" Dave shouted as he pulled over.

"How could you not tell me about this?!" Dave said, anger laced within his tone as both of his fists came down hard on the steering wheel.

The horn blared, making you jump with fright at the noise. This is unwanted anger. It was making you shiver, scared of his actions.

"Dave! STOP!" You scream.

"Stop what?" Dave mocked you.

"Dave I don't have to tell you anything!" you point at Dave with all the anger you felt towards him right now,"Dave you have no right to waltz into my life and ask any questions you want!"

Dave turned to face you and growled at you,"{F/N} I have the total right to know anything I. WANT."

"No Dave. You don't!" you shout at him, burying your face in your hands and sobbed,"Just leave me alone!

"{F/N}...." Dave said softly, "You know I can't let you go back right now"

You didn't respond as he started the engine again and drove off to somewhere.


Dave opened the car door for you. You were in front of an apartment complex.

"Home sweet home" Dave muttered under his breath as he unlocked a door on the second floor.

Immediately a deep Texan accent filled the tiny entry room.


"Yeah, bro?"

"So how is {F/}-" Dirk asked, but stopped mid-sentence when he spotted you next to Dave, "Dave you didn't say you'd bring her back HERE"

"I didn't actually say anything, Dirk"

"Excuse me, I-I'm still right H-here" You say quietly, dried tears on your cheeks.

"Woah..." Dirk said eyeing you,"What happened? Did they hurt you again!?"

You didn't show any shock that Dirk ALSO knew about your parents beating you.

"Dave" You whisper under your breath but somehow Dirk heard you.

"Dave, what did you do?" Dirk asks and takes Dave's collar into his hands.

"I got angry that's all" Dave says and shrugs.

The fire you had in the car reignited.

"Ohh...." You say shaking with rage,"You just got angry that's all, that's all, right?"

"Dave go to your room" Dirk commanded and surprisingly Dave compiled.

Once Dave was gone and you had finished your short rage fest- your knees gave out. All this stress finally had gotten to you. You tried to be strong but it was just too hard. You needed someone to help you, someone to comfort you, someone besides Dave.

You needed to move on from Dave. He was everything you've ever wanted, but sometimes everything you ever wanted is too difficult to control and love properly.

"{F/N}!" Dirk yelled as he scooped your limp form into his arms and cradled you.

"It'll be okay, I promise, It'll be okay".

And right now you think you've found someone who actually cared about you, someone that you could move on from Dave with, someone who'd love you the way you'd love them...


You woke with a headache. You groaned and tried to get up but something tightened around your waist. You looked over your shoulder and found a sleepy Dirk next to you with a smirk. You saw that you were in a orange painted room and on a bed.

"Good mornin' beautiful" Dirk said in a raspy, sexy, morning voice.

You blushed a bright pink and beamed at the
all-too-hot Dirk who was getting up with his arms still around your waist. You weren't weirded out by sleeping with Dirk even though you've never slept/cuddled with a boy before.

"So (F/N), do you want to go to breakfast with me?"

"Like a date?!" You asked but then thought it was just in a friendly way and he probably didn't like you that way.

"No like a date, but a date."


Dave X Reader X DirkWhere stories live. Discover now