Chapter 11

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Your P.O.V.

You covered your ears as your parents screamed at you.

"Why didn't you report to the office after your teacher sent you?!??" Your father slapped you upside your head.

How did they even know about that?!?

"Why did we get so unfortunate to have a worthless child like you!?" Your mother spat.

You saw in their eyes that they wanted you out of this house. After a few more minutes of intense beating, from both of your parents, you heard a knock from the door. Your parents jumped off of you, straightened their messed up clothes and your mother, with a sickly sweet voice, answered the door.

You took that chance to walk to your bedroom. You took out your mp3 and hit 'little do you know remake by Nightcore'.

You repeated the song over and over again. The song was sad and your thoughts drifted to Dave. All you wrong doing lead to a bad life. You'd never get what you'd want. What you wanted most right now was the boy with the name Dave Strider.

Dave's P.O.V.

You thought of (F/N). She was perfect with all her flaws. She was the most perfect imperfection. Her eyes sparkled with delight when you first kissed her, but because of your stupid ego, you didn't stop when she wanted you too. You were not used to being stopped. Usually all the girls on the first date wanted to get done by you, yet now you didn't want to fuck any girl. You just wanted (F/N) no matter how slow your relationship was. You needed her.

Your P.O.V.

Dave was the player you fell hard for, yet you didn't want him. No, no, no, you definitely wanted Dave but you were just too scared to love someone who was totally heartless. Dave was everything a girl would ever want.

His blonde almost white hair just saggy enough to lay over his left side of his aviators. His glasses covered up the true dave. The sunglasses showed  no emotion but gave off a hint off sweetness, and that bit that Dave showed of his true self made you fall for him more and more every second.

Dave's P.O.V.

Her hair was always swept over one of her small shoulders'. Her eyes were the kind that never got of one's head after they laid their eyes upon the other. Her eyes were the most beautiful thing you've seen on the entire Earth. They light up just right when the sun hit them. Overall, she was a dream girl and any boy would be super lucky to have as a girlfriend. She had a perfect smile, fantastic personality and great body, yet that wasn't all. Under all the dream girly-ness there was something that was so mysterious about her, something that was dying to be known by you, and that was a chase you enjoyed.

A loud knock resounded in your room.


"What is it Dirk?!" you shouted to your older twin on the other side of your locked bedroom door.

"Let me in! It's really important!"


"It's about (F/N), and it's bad"

You sprang out of your daze on your bed and quickly unlocked your door.

"What is it!?" You slightly growled.

"Well... You see here.... (F/N).... She.... Um...."

"Spit it out bro!"

After Dirk heard those words he rambled on what he saw when he just went to check in (F/N). The horrors of what he said sent your head spinning, and without another thought you went to go save the love of your life.


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