Chapter 9

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Damn teacher! Why did she have to do that?! Why couldn't your life just be perfect and without stupid, idiotic boys who scare the crap out of you?
All this thinking you finally realized that you were sitting down next to John with Sollux across from you, facing you.

What a lovely bunch, eh? You thought to yourself as no one said a word. John was glaring at the teacher and or just glaring at the oak wood desk in front of him.

Sollux was stealing glances at you and drawing in his notebook. And last of all, you were staring at the teacher who was giving a dumb ass lecture about Shakespeare and stuff.

"OK class. Now I am going to assign your table group a Shakespeare play that your table group has to do"

Your teacher was talking to your class, as always, as if we weren't high schoolers but babies.

"Table group eight, a Midnight's Summer's Dream"

What the actual fuck!?! There is not enough girls to play the girls' parts and there was no way that you were going to play all the gog damn girl parts. Was your teacher trying to make your life horrible?!

"Oh and table eight- since table six does not need another girl and your play does, Feferi will join your group only for the play"

You groan out loud, and the teacher's head whirled to face you.

"Excuse me Ms. (L/N)? What was that?"

"Sorry ma'am" you said sweetly.

Your teacher hated being called ma'am because it made her feel old. Face the facts teacher, you're like 80 years old.

"I was just clearing my throat" you lied, and it was obvious.

You smirked. Letting all the frustration of the past few days and the entire year here. Moving here and life in this horrible town was the worst thing that ever happened. Plus the abuse from your parents, and fellow school members...

All out.

Through the smirk and rudeness towards your teacher, showed everyone how much you've endured and will not be treated that why again. You were NOT going to be bullied by the stupid little strider twins.

You were going to fix this problem between you and your best friend, John. And finally you were going to show how much you wanted your ex, Sollux, to leave you alone and get over his mistakes.

"Ms. (L/N) can you please go to the principal's office and cool down?"

Oh great. Forget about standing up for yourself. It was never going to work anyways. Might as well love life as it is. Sollux stares longingly at you as you made your way to the door. John had a concerned frown on his face.

Hey, that's a plus, at least John still cares about you even though you treated him like shit. Oh damn.

Sollux made a mistake, but just one. Yeah it was kissing a girl and he has not even tried anything that romantic with you. But now you made a rift between you and Sollux that probably could not be fixed.

John was just asking, and yeah it would be quite embarrassing to tell him the things you were dreaming about you and him. Oh John, I am so sorry. You secretly wished he could hear that as you quickly shut the classroom door behind you.

You solemnly walked to your doom until, of course, you tripped and fell onto someone. You looked into the black shades of the one and only: Dave Strider. You were on top of him and each of your hands on either side of his head to support you. You hair making a curtain around your heads.

"Well hello there Sweetie" he breathed into your face.

Surprisingly his breath was not bad. It just smelled like Doritos and apples. Now don't think you were stalking...

Your mind started to panic when his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled your body down to his, sealing the inches you were already apart.

Dave's movements were so gentle. He was not saying any rude things to you. He wasn't saying anything at all. His left hand let go of your waist and slowly made its way up to the back of your head. Even more slowly he pushed your head down farther to meet his. All of your panic was gone.

Sparks were flying and butterflies were in your stomach. Now your foreheads were touching.
Was this going to be your actual first kiss? Were you falling for your bully? Yes, yes you were. You leaned in farther without his hand to guide you and.....


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