Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V.

You stepped into the shower after you got home from the date. A hot, warm, soothing shower. Sounded great. But all the things going through your head at the time distracted you from having any sort of happiness.

Dave was a jerk but was also the amazing, love of your life. He was sweet yet tempered quickly. He was sexy (which actually shouldn't change your way towards him, but hey- it's a bonus).

His laugh and smarts surprised you for Dave being a 'oh I am a bad boy' or 'cool kid'. You couldn't really change anything about him. He seemed like he was made for you and only you. All the girls he hooked up with didn't understand what Dave wanted and what he needed.

He wanted to be treated like the young teenage boy that he is. Not a cool kid that couldn't lose his cool and even if he did, he didn't have to cover it up with a smirk and hurt the person whom accused him of losing his cool.

On the other hand there was Dirk. Dave's older twin brother. You didn't want to always start off with 'Dave's older twin brother' just because you met Dave first yet that's how it ended up. Anyhow, Dirk is sweet and darling. Amazing in every way- no matter the situation. He treated his girl like a princess. The only problem: he didn't stay true to his girl. He was a one night, heart breaker.

He cared for one girl and left her, picking up another girl on the way out of the girl's house whom he just hooked up with. It was so unfair! You didn't want to be treated that way. You didn't want to get dumped. He was just too much of a playboy.

In conclusion, would you even want to get in relationship right now with your parents and all? Wouldn't it just be too stressful if you made a mistake? You didn't want to break the boys' heart.


How do you even know they liked you in that way? Maybe Dave but he could've just been playing his 'oh I NEED you' card when you left him after the kiss.

Dirk could just think that you were a sister.

Maybe no one liked you?! Your own boyfriend cheated on you for christ sake.

Boy trouble is just too hard to deal with school, parents and everything else. You needed a break, but how would you get a break? If you went home your parent would beat you senseless. If you stayed here who the hell knows what would happen.

You just wanted to scream!

Your head was spinning in the shower. You felt somewhat dizzy yet paid no attention to it. Probably just a headache that will go away. You turned off the running water and clothed in Dirk's shirt and a pair of boxers. The shirt was like a dress for you. It went down to your mid thigh. Hell, it showed lots of skin but it didn't matter.

You put your hair up in a towel and walked out into the hallway. The world seemed to twirl. You took deep breaths in and tried to calm down. The stress of all the past months was gaining on you.

You wanted to cry! Huddle in some sort of corner that 'no one would ever bother you again corner.'

You lost your footing and cried out. The last words that you said. The last words you'd think. The last words you would hear.

For a very long time.



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