Chapter 16

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Dave P.O.V.

You cried. There was nothing else to do. (F/N) was in a coma. The doctor said she had too much stress throughout the week.

You sat on a chair next to her bed and interlaced you fingers with her lifeless ones. You realized how much you missed her even though it had only been a day.

Why didn't you just hear her out?

Why didn't you tell her how much you loved her?

She was everything. She was the half to your whole. She made you a better person, yet you just noticed these things that could have probably have stopped her melt down.

Dirk's P.O.V.

You couldn't check (F/N) at the hospital. It hurt too much, knowing that it was all your fault that she might not wake up. That she couldn't enjoy life because she was in a coma. You would never be her knight in shining armor, never see her smile at you with loving eyes.

You needed to let go. Let her free, out of your grip.

But she felt like the girl you were trying to find your entire life. She was the missing piece that you'd tried to fill by dating many girls. None of those girls mattered now. (F/N) was the perfect girl and you messed the chance of being with her by a landslide.

Your P.O.V.

Black, white. Those were all the colors you saw. You were there. Just there but couldn't move. It was an empty place. It was cold and void. Nothing came out when you tried to scream. Scream for someone, anyone to save you, but no one was able to hear you.

You were completely and utterly alone. You let the cold daggers of this nothingness stab into you. You endured the pain of being left to rot.

You dropped. The feeling of free falling made you panic. The fall was pulling your heart out of your chest.

No impact just falling with nothing to catch you. You were going to live with what was happening, if you didn't land.

But then you hit. You screamed, but again, no sound, no nothing.

Blinding light hit your eyes as you collided. The pain was gone. You were numb. You saw colors coming into focus. Shapes began to form. Movement. Sound. Everything you couldn't feel just seconds ago was here in front of you.

You saw a white room but with tables. Windows where you could see green grass and blue sky. Two people were in the room. A young boy you didn't remember with platinum blonde hair and black glasses covering up his eyes. He was holding the hands of a girl in a white gown on the white bed. The boy was the only color in the room.

You watched sadly because the boy had tears coming from his sunglasses. You sat crossed legged on the white tiled floor. You watch the boy whisper words to the girl, caressing her cheek.

The girl looked cold and lifeless. Were you going to watch a couple have pain? Watch the girl die? It was terrible but you couldn't rip your gaze from the teens. They looked sad but peaceful at the same time.

They looked perfect for each other but only to realize that their love was nothing when death called. It was funny you notice whom you love but they go away right after. All before you can tell them how much you love them.

You felt cold tears fall down your face. You tasted the salt. You watched the monitor of the girl flicker. You watch in slow motion as the boy screamed for a doctor. You watched while the boy was pushed away from the girl and the doctors tried everything to fix her.

You watched the girl slowly have her life sucked away.

It was something from a movie of true love.

True love....
What a concept, so cherish it.


Dave X Reader X DirkWhere stories live. Discover now