Chapter 14

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You forgot to bring extra clothes, but it was stupid to think you would bring clothes since you didn't know that such events would take place. You were supposedly just going on a 'date'. Dave was going to drop you back at home once the date was finished. You snorted at the thought of going home. You hated your parents; hated them for doing all the things they did to you. You couldn't possibly think about being forced to go back to that horrid place; the place you used to call home- where your parents lived. The people in that house were no parents of you though, they were nothing but scum. Sometimes you got jealous of the kid's whom parents were amazing. Where all the other kids loved going over to their house just to meet their super nice, funny, lovable parents.

You had to wear the clothes you had on yesterday. You tried to straighten them the best you could and splashed cold water on your face. Thanking the Lord that you always put on waterproof makeup (you were surprised it was still on). You loved makeup that didn't make you look like a drama queen after you cried. You quickly took out your hair and ran your fingers through the tangled mess. Tried your best to tie the disaster into a French braid and looked into the bathroom mirror. You looked decent. 

You were only going to breakfast, but it was also going to breakfast with a super hot guy that all the girls, in your school, swooned over. 

The typical heartthrob. A bigger player than Dave since Dirk was the definition of a good time and plus the fact that he had gotten more girls than Dave, so far. You sighed. Just another heartbreak, supposedly. You would have to go through it, once again. 

Maybe Dirk wouldn't be the one to break your heart and actually be the one you were looking for. You looked at the mirror again. Would anyone like you. Was Dirk playing you?

You walked down the stairs to see Dirk and Dave on the brown couch in their small living room.

"Dirk?" You call out to him.

Dave looks at you then at Dirk in confusion.

"Are you ready to go?" Dirk got up and offered his arm.

You gladly took it and smiled softly at Dirk.

"Where are you two going?" Dave asked.

"We're going on a date!" Dirk said gleefully.

You smiled bigger, happy to know Dirk actually wanted to go on his date with you. And without any more interruptions, Dirk led you down the stairs and opened the passenger car door for you. You thanked him while thinking, 'Dirk is such a gentleman'.


The date with Dirk was the first date you've ever had and it was amazing. It was beyond anything you thought a date would be. You thought dates were just the twos teens talking and eating. Nothing really getting deep down and personal with the each other. Dirk made you feel like the only girl in the world. He made you feel wanted, not some dirty slut that your parents hated; not some prep kid that slept with any boy in sight. He made me feel like who you were: a young girl who has yet to see the joy of being with a boy. He was everything anyone could ever want.

These words seemed familiar. You thought about Dave. You thought about just the other day. You were crazy in love with that shaggy platinum blonde who had dark glasses. Dave and Dirk, two brothers, whom took your heart and ripped it in two.

Dave's P.O.V.

It had been over one hour since the couple had left. He was insanely jealous of his older brother that could sweep any girl off her feet and away from him in seconds. Why couldn't he be like that? He loved (F/N)! And Dirk knew that. He knew that she meant the world to him but apparently, an older brother's job, was to break your little sibling's heart.

Dirk P.O.V.

Guilt poured over him. He couldn't stop looking at (F/N). She was amazing and her personality was to die for, but the thought of Dave. He was hurting him so much. He couldn't just dump this amazing girl so his brother could have her because that would be too mean to her. She wasn't some toy that could be passed around. She was something else. Something that he wouldn't let his little brother get. She was his and his only.

Dave's, Dirk's, Your P.O.V.

You had to have this love. No matter what. You needed to pick someway.


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