Chapter 5

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When John opened the door you gasped, it was huge inside.

John chuckled softly,"that's what most people do when they first step in too"

You loved his chuckle, it was beautiful yet sexy at the same time. Could you possibly be falling for this FRESHMAN? It was absurd but you never knew what your heart wanted at any time of life.

As John walked up the stairs that were probably leading to his room you though,'Why did he invite you over in the first place?'. Could it be that he wanted to ask you out to the Halloween dance? Nope, not realistic.

But what else would he invite you over for?

Getting to know you? He did seem like that kind of boy. A friendly dork that was super hot and didn't know it.

"Sooo how was school?" you finally realized John was talking to you.

You stumbled on a stair and fell, shit, not a good start.

"Whoa are you ok?" John asked frantically, helping you up.

"Yeah" you mumbled.

You started to blush when one of John's arm snaked around your waist. You didn't dare look at him for fear of him seeing your reddened cheeks.

Once you reached the top you turned to John, your blush under control. John's arm was still around you when you did look up at him causing you to be pushed up against him.

Of course he was way taller than you and you had to look up at him. His blue eyes looked down upon you and his cheeks started to turn pink.

Slowly John lowered his head so his lips to meet yours. A small voice in your head made you hesitate about kissing him.

This would be your first kiss, would you really want it to be wasted on John?

Your heart wasn't into kissing John either.

Right when yours lips were about to meet his you pulled away and said,"I am sorry John, I am just not ready".

Then you walked out of his house as you opened the door and walked back to your home.

~~~Time Skipp brought to you by Dave Strider~~~

Dave's P.O.V.

You hated that only a little girl could take your breath away with her charm and looks. You still couldn't put a finger on the feelings you felt for {F/N}.

You shook head, not wanting to admit that maybe you were in love with this girl.

"Argh!" you yelled to no one in particular.

Soon your bro, Dirk, was in your doorway.

"Yo, bro. What's the screaming for?"

"I wasn't screaming" you crossed your arms over your chest and pouted.

"I've seen you like this. You were like this before you told me you were in love with Terezi"

God damn it, why does he know you so well?!

"Soooo I am taking that as you are falling for someone again"

You shrugged off Dirk's question slash statement.

Dirk started to laugh,"Aw, m bro is LOVEsick"

"G-Get out Dirk" you stuttered, you've never had to tell Dirk to get out before.

Dirk stood there shocked and then fury clouded his eyes. He walked towards you, scaring you. You mentally took a deep breath, be the cool kid Dave. When Dirk reached you he took the collar of your shirt and lifted you up.

You punched Dirk in the chest to get him off you but to no avail.

"You're a worthless brother. You should welcome me into your room not tell me to leave"

"Let go of me you asshole!"

Dirk just slapped you and left. You stayed there on your bed for hours in shock. That wasn't your Dirk not even close.

Something was up and you needed to know what it was before anything got worse.


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