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     Pic of Embry at the top!(or side)***

I'm the flyer in cheerleading, and he's the lineman in football:

We had been going out for two years now, Casin and I. Casin had thick dark brown hair while mine was brown and blonde. He has chocolate eyes while I was stuck with brown and green. Him being 6'4" tall (and still growing) while I was stuck being Miss Shorty at 5'8".

     Now we were sitting in reading class  watching a documentary on the 9/11 attact of 2001.

    "Oh my gosh, be quiet or I'm going to stab you!" I whisper yell at Jacksn and Casin. Casin sat to my right while Jacksn sat behind me and they were talking in the middle of the video and I was getting frustrated.

   "C'mon Embry! You're no fun!" Casin whisper yelled back at me.

   I gave him a glare and turned back to the screen not wanting to get in trouble by Mrs.Hamilton (which aka was one of the nicest teachers but could get mean) and get detention.

     "DING" the bell for lunch rang like a signal of freedom.

     I waited for Casin and Elise(my friend) outside the classroom. We walked through the halls and went to lunch after putting our books and binders away. I noticed my best friend, Cauy, walking alone and felt guilty.

**Outside for lunch**

     "OHHHH!!" Casin and David say as we eat our lunch while they flip their water bottles and try to land them.

     "I swear if y'all don't shut up I ain't gonna talk to y'all." Faith says to them.

A soft breeze blows my hair into my face and I move it away. We were sitting under an old oak tree that was there when the high school was made. It's branches dancing in the wind.

***** band aka 8th period*****

     I play the trombone as first chair, Cauy in 2nd, and Luis in 3rd. There were 3 more spots after Luis.

     Class starts and we are about 20 minutes into it when I open my spit valve on Cauy.

     "HOLY CRAP WHY'D YOU  DO THAT?!" He whisper yells at me. He grabs my sleeve on my jacket and whipped it off of his leg. My trombone in my lap with my angles crossed so it won't fall as it's standing and I grab his big ice cold hand and pull it off of my jacket while Luis and I laugh.

    The football boys leave early so there are 25 people in the room and then the bell rings after the 50 min class.

     The cheerleaders head out to the gym to gather our bags and megaphones and Pom poms as we get into the bus.

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