20-go save anither damsel in distress

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"Should we go to Red Robin or something?" I ask Carter when a waiter walks up to us.

"Reservations for 6 please. Carter Vinca," Carter says to the guy and winks at me. We follow the guy to an area away from the others.

Carter orders a six piece rib set with fried pickles and a Red Bull. Kameron orders a bacon burger with a side of fried onion rings and a Monster. Naómi orders chicken and dumpling with sweet potato fries and a water. Jacob orders hot wings with French fries and a Pibb. Jae orders potato soup with broccoli and sweet tea. I had the final order of potato soup with sweet potato fries and water.

"How much do you squat?" Kameron asks Carter while we discuss sports.

"225. How about you?" He replies.


"Well Naómi and I both squat 145. That's quite a bit for tall, lean girls like us, am I right?" I ask Naómi and she nods her head a high fives me.

"What the crap! I squat 105!" Jacob says.

"And I squat 110!" Jae exclaims one-upping Jacob.

Our food comes and we eat.

"So y'all ready to face Juke High in a couple weeks? Thy the week that scouts are supposed to be there," Naómi asks me and Carter.

"Heck ya!" He exclaims.

"Nah. Ya of course, Carter and I work pretty good together," I say referring to him being pitcher and me being catcher.

"Embry just has to go to the doctor to get REAL stitches because—" Carter says and stops short remembering that they didn't know about my bully issues.

"I'm gonna go use the restroom. I'll be back in a few," I tell everyone and Naómi and Jae follow me.

"I love you girl, I really do. But if he stabbed you I'm going to kill you then kill you again," Naómi says furiously.

I tell her and Jae the story and show her my wounds and we all back out. We were all finished with our food and met outside. "I'm taking you to the flipping doctor tomorrow, understand?" Kameron demands me. Holy crap.

I nod and wrap my arms around Carter's waist before Kameron adds on, "Oh and Embry? You're riding home with Naómi and I tonight." So. Unfair.

"He told you it was Faith and Mari didn't he!" I ask.

"Hey, it's okay I'll call you later," Carter mumbles into my ear before Kameron says, "yes and he should've stopped them!"

"No. I'm not riding home with you. That's final," I say burying my face into Carter's chest.

"Fine lets just go. I'll see you at home Embry," Kameron says before getting into his truck.

Naómi walks over to me and says that she's going to spend the night with me to get our minds off of things.

I get into the car with Carter, Jacob and Jae. "What did you tell Kam?" I ask.

"I told him what happened. They were saying stuff that wasn't true and then I tripped on my way downstairs. My foot got caught in something so I couldn't get downstairs fast enough."

"You didn't have to tell him every detail! You could've summed it up!" I yell.

"Well it's not my fault that your twin brother wanted to know what was going on in your life!" He yelled back. The rest of the ride was silent until I blew up at him again when we were turning onto my street after dropping Jae off.

"I could've told him myself. Now he freaking hates me. I might as well go jump off a bridge!" I yell.

"You wouldn't do that!" He screams back.

"BET! Now leave me alone and don't ever talk to me again!" I say with hot tears running down my face as I slam the car door shut. Kameron walks out the door while Jake goes in. "Don't ever try to control me when I did absolutely nothing!" I throw at Kameron. I run up to my room and cry on my bed until I hear a knock. I hear footsteps and feel Carter's warm hands on my cold arms. "Go save another damsel in distress," I mutter.

"No because that would be disappointing." I sit up and look Carter in the eyes.

"You idiot. You shouldn't have listened to me. You should've taken me to the hospital for stitches hat morning you should've—" I'm cut off when Carter kisses me. It's a soft kiss yet, it felt like he'd been inside of a hole and this was his only way out. He pulled away after 25 seconds or so, smiled kissed my forehead, and left my room.

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