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I've cut all ties with my mom and dad, and the rest of the rangers. I have even tried my very best to leave Troy behind. The one thing that I have wanted to do since that fateful day, was to forget that I ever even had a brother.

This pain, was the very thing I never wanted to experience. I knew even before I actually knew, that one of us would be a sacrifice for the other. I just never imagined it would actually happen, and that my brother would go behind my back and do the very thing I had begged him not to do to begin with. As much as I missed Troy, I was still angry at him for having done what he did. I knew I sounded ungrateful, but having to deal with losing him was unbearable. That was what made me angry.

Still, even though I knew he was gone, I felt his essence still surrounding me. It was almost as if he was somehow still alive, but again that could not be possible, as he sacrificed himself for me. And there was no coming back from that.

Evren has also been surprisingly quiet. Still, I knew that this was the calm before the storm. Before any of us knew it, he was going to wreak havoc.

Regardless of when that happened, I was not going to put myself in the line of fire. Being a warrior - a Power Ranger - was the source of all my sufferings. It was this life that caused me to lose my brother, the one person I looked up to. I just hoped my parents, and the rest of the rangers did not beg me to reactivate these powers I was desperate to relinquish. They haunted me day and night, much the same as did the very memory of my brother, which always manifested itself in my dreams and often times made me wonder if it was actually Troy, or just a figment of my imagination.

Either way, I was out of the game. And the only way anyone would make me come back, it was through kicking and screaming.

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