13: Crime and Punishment

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Both Evren and I were in a cell, together. It was cold, and I was shivering badly. Night had already fallen, but even if it was day time, it would still seem like it was nighttime given that we were both in a basement cell.

I kept thinking about my family, my parents, Ali Mateo, Ana Leticia, and Kaan. Sure, Kaan was not related to me by blood, but he had become my best friend over the last two years since living in Istanbul with him. I was beginning to miss the nights the three of us would get up in the middle of the night whenever we were having a hard time falling asleep, which was quite often, since we were always worried about how we were going to pass our classes or turn in one of the millions of essays that we had to write for most classes.

We also used to go to this one café that was open twenty-four seven. Those were fun nights when we would wake up, and just chill. How I missed those days, and now we were back to what could only be called reality.

"Adrian!" someone whispered.

I opened my eyes, and saw that it was Ziad. "Ziad?"

"Yes..." he looked around to make sure no guard was coming, then pulled a pouch from his bag. "Here, I figured you would need this."

I got up and took the pouch. It was my iPhone. "Where did you find it?"

"It was hidden between some bushes. I grabbed it a little after you both were caught."

"Thank you" I sighed, relieved.

"But hide it. Don't morph or try to escape, because unless you have backup, you won't get far."

Ziad was right. I had my iPhone and could easily morph, but everything would work against us here, being surrounded by a legion of guards and warriors. Also, not to forget how the queen could easily give us a really bad sentence. As beautiful and harmless as she seemed, she was ruthless and with no mercy.

"Again, thank you" I hid my phone in my pocket. "But you better go before you get caught."

"Take care, and trust me, you'll both get out of here" he assured.

Evren looked doubtful, and vulnerable. It was so weird seeing him like this. He came at me like this evil being set on killing me and my family. Now, he was practically defenseless and was suddenly back to being good. Not that it was a bad thing, because it wasn't, but I was having a hard time letting it sink in.

I went and sat down, and started sifting through photos. I could not even look at the ones of Troy and me, or the ones where we were a complete family. I started looking at the ones with Ali Mateo and me. I missed him, and was counting the moments when I would once again hold him in my arms.

The one thing I really hoped, was that our legacy as rangers did not fall on him. I really hoped that he would grow up to be normal, and not have to face the tragedies that unfortunately, I had no choice but to live and experience.

I sighed, looking at a photo of him asleep on his crib. I was scared I would never see him again, really hoping and praying for a miracle to happen.

"Is that your little brother?"

"Yes" I quickly shut the phone's screen.

"Look, I know you probably hate me. Who am I kidding, I know you hate me."

Listening to him speak, without the malevolence and evil behind his voice, I noticed his Turkish accent attached to his voice.

"I don't know what I feel for you. On the one side, it's easy to hate you for what happened to Troy. Sure, you didn't directly use your hands to kill him. You went through me and he in turn sacrificed himself for me."

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