18: Getting to Know Each Other All Over Again

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I was panicking inside. I had no idea how I was going to figure out how it was that he had forgotten that I was his big brother. It was hurting me inside to think that he did not remember me at all, and because my parents and Evren had absolutely no idea how that had happened, I had to conclude that either a monster wiped out his memories – as some did have the ability to cause memory loss to its victims – or maybe Adrian did something to cause this. However though, this seemed to be more surgical, because he remembered everything and everyone, except for me.

He remembered Evren, he remembered our parents and our little brother, and even remembered being the Saif Warrior. Yet, all memories involving me were completely wiped from his mind. It was like somehow in his mind, I seized to exist.

"So how did you end up finding us?" he asked, casually, again looking at me like I was a complete and total stranger.

That was a tough question. I didn't want to lie to him, and make up some sob story that even I would not believe, but I knew that in his current state of mind it would be a lost cause to tell him that I was his brother. So much has happened in the last three years, more bad things than good things. One of the good things was that I had managed to save my brother from dying after being poisoned, and also the fact that we had a new baby brother. Yet, as happy as these times should be, they were anything but.

"Let's just say that certain things have led me to locate my family" was all I said.

"Fair enough. These days, we all need our family."

"Agreed" I sighed. "So how's the big brother role treating you?"

"It's actually great. I often times do wish I had an older brother, but being the big brother kind of helps fill those shoes."

I had to figure out how to squash this situation. I needed to figure out how to restore his memories before things got worse.

I watched as he fed the baby his bottle, tending to his every need. This was a very typical Adrian reaction. He was caring, loving, and always worried about others before he worried about himself. He was stronger than he gave himself credit for, but at times I was able to see how his fears and sorrows made him feel like he was weak, when he really wasn't. Sure we all had moments of weakness, and even the strong often times felt scared, but they knew how to get back up regardless of how difficult the situation was.

I started crying, unable to not feel horrible for how things were playing out. The Adrian that was in front of me, was the real Adrian, with the difference that he perhaps might have wiped out all of his memories of me because maybe it was unbearable for him to not have me as his brother in his life.

"Are you ok?" he attentively asked.

"Yes, I'm ok. Just certain memories are kind of getting to me."

"What kind of memories?"

"Just memories of my little brother" I took a deep breath. "I've done a lot of things that have been for his own good, but that have in a sense also hurt him."

"I'm sure that he'll understand that everything you've done for him, has been for his own good" he sincerely said, which made it that much more ironic since he had no idea I was referring to him.

"I doubt it. He's a bit headstrong" I stifled a laugh just remembering how headstrong Adrian could be.

"That's kind of how I am, at least according to my mom. She's told me tons of times that I need to be more open minded and not act before I think. But hey, we all have our weaknesses."

"That's true."

The more I talked to him, the more I realized how much I have not communicated with him since becoming a ranger. I had been so scared that he would be in danger if he was around me, that I essentially cut him off, which ultimately led him to becoming resentful toward me. I also liked how lively and smiley he was right now. It was a side of him that I have not seen in such a long time, and something I really hoped I would see again. Only I had a feeling it would not be possible, as I was no longer part of this world. I was resurrected and given the powers of a warrior from Valhalla.

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