11: Valhalley of the Dolls (Part IV)

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The entire time Kevin and I spent planning on how we were going to rescue Ana Leticia, Kaan, and Leiysa, I consistently kept feeling Troy deep within my very being. It was almost as if he was still alive. It was giving me a lot of anxiety, so much that I was close to having a panic attack. Still, I managed to maintain my composure and not let it get to me, even though it was really hurting me that somehow Troy's presence was still lingering in me.

"Won't you also get into trouble for this?" I was worried now. If they also captured Leiysa, who was one of their own, I knew for a fact that they would not have mercy on Kevin for helping me.

"I might yes, but we don't have very many choices here" he strictly said.

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. There weren't very many options here, and having some options as difficult as they were, was better than having none at all.

"So where are they being held?"

"In a cell in the royal court."

"No surprise that they would have a jail in the royal court."

"I know."

"But what will happen to you if you get caught? We can't just leave you behind."

"Look, I will deal with that when and if we cross that bridge. Right now, we have to rescue your family, and Evren of course."

As much as I hated to admit it, Evren was also a victim of evil, much the same as was my brother, Karone, Tommy Oliver, and many others before us. We went over the plan once again, just to be sure we covered our bases and hope that nothing went wrong. Even with the most structured of plans, things could still go wrong; very, very wrong.

Kevin and I grabbed whatever weapons we were going to need, and I kept my iPhone handy just in case I needed to morph and reactivate my powers. That was the last thing I wanted to do, but when it came to evil, it was a necessary evil to become the one thing you wished you didn't have to be.

We walked through the exotic jungle. The air smelled misty, and could smell the fertile soil in the air, mixed the aroma of the various wild flowers and plants in the air. The air was also fresh and crisp, mixed with the warmth of the sun's heat. Even the sounds of the birds chirping, was making this hike somewhat relaxing.

This has probably been the longest I've ever been around nature. Even in my anxious state, I still managed to find some peace and serenity just by being here.

I continued following Kevin's guide. This walk through this massive jungle was becoming a really long one, and I was really tired now, but I was going to maintain an open eye just in case something came up.

As soon as my injured knee started to throb, my mind suddenly trailed on to just before I fell off that cliff when I was attacked. Seeing Troy, I still could not help but wonder if it had in fact been him, or just a figment of my imagination. I didn't want to think about it, but I still could not help it. Even sensing Troy when I knew he was gone, still kept me wondering what this bond between us was all about. I remember feeling it as a child, being bonded to him, but then that somehow disappeared, and then just as suddenly it came back.

Now more than ever, I needed to know why we were bonded. How did this bond even come about? What caused it?

I was sweating bullets at this point. Even my tank top looked like it had been drenched in water from how sweaty I was. I wiped sweat off my forehead, feeling the need to drink some serious gallons of water. As thirsty and as hot as I was, I knew I had to keep moving and not let anything stumble me.

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