6: Stalked

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    Even though I was in the mall with a crowd of people all around me, I knew Evren was following me. I saw him a few times, looking at me evilly. I knew that if he wanted to, he could still get me even in this crowd, but I still decided to remain in the center of it all. I knew if I isolated myself, it would only make it that much easier.

    Ana Leticia texted me, asking me if we could meet up, since she too was also here. I wasn't sure if I should ignore her text, or meet up with her. The last thing I wanted was to put her in danger, so I decided to not respond back.

    My heart was jumping hard inside my chest. I wanted to contain it because I knew if I didn't, I would more than likely have a panic attack. I took a few deep breaths, trying to clear my mind so that I could think clearly enough what it was I was going to do about this less than convenient situation I was in. I managed to get a hold of my thoughts, and realized that if anything, I could still use my symbol powers. It too was something I did not want to do, but it was either that, or reactivating my powers as the Green Saif Ranger. And reactivating my powers was definitely not an option.

    I got up and started walking. I could sense the evil energy Evren was giving off. It was scaring me to the bone, but I was determined to continue walking until I got to wherever it was I had to get to for safety.

    "Adrian!" Ana Leticia called out.

    "Cuz..." I suddenly stopped walking. "What are you doing here?"

    "I texted you, but you didn't respond."

    "Sorry, I was just uh..." I did not know what to say. I was now scared for her life.

    "Are you ok?" she frowned.

    "Yes" I lied. "Listen, I have to run. I got some errands to do."

    "Are you sure you're ok? You seem...I don't know, scared."

    "Ok fine...I am scared" I told her the truth, but that did not mean I had to give her details either.

    "Of what?" she questioned, worry laced on her face.

    I sensed Evren's evil energy, which meant he was close by. Without hesitation, I ran as fast as I could, away from her. He was somewhere, and the last thing I wanted was for her to get caught up in the middle of this war.

    I ran to the parking lot, looking for my dad's black Land Rover SUV. I finally found it, and just as I was running towards it, Evren appeared before me. Again, his human appearance left me without any words to produce. He wore what looked like a black leather jacket, but not a modern looking one. Instead of buttons, they had what looked like small belt buckles. He even had black leather pants, and had his head covered with a turban shaped head scarf, or a sarık, as it was also called.

He was dressed like an Ottoman soldier, or military commander from back in the ancient days of the Ottoman Empire. His brown eyes were practically glowing with evil, the sun hitting them all the way that they seemed clear and see through. I half expected the irises to turn red, but then again that was what I expected from an evil being like him, especially because I had seen them turn red before.

"What do you want with me?!" I demanded. "Why are you even following me?!"

"I want you to join me!"

"Dream on! I will never join you, or anyone as evil as you!"

"What if I persuaded you to? Would you then?"

"What is that supposed to mean, exactly?"

"Oh, you'll see!" he smiled, evilly of course.

I knew he was up to something not good. With that, I took out my iPhone, placed my thumb on the fingerprint scanner, and quickly opened up the app that would allow me access to the Morphing Grid, and reactivate my Saif Ranger powers. I was totally against it, but something told me that at this very moment, I had no real choice but to access those powers that were nothing but a curse in my life.

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